Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cancer Colon More Condition_symptoms

Fanciulla di sani principi...

Coyote swallows large toad while - What was that boy you like?
Faina - Like Riccavdo
Coyote - Ah! Riccardo. And what 'Richard?
Faina - That (pointing to the same child rowdy Peter)
Coyote - looks like Peter!
Faina - Yes'. E 'crazy like Peter Coyote
- Ahhh. And you like 'cause it looks like Peter?
Faina - No
Coyote - Why 'and' crazy?
Faina - No
Coyote - E 'cause then
Faina - Why' has blue eyes and screams "mammaaaaaa" when his mother arrives.

course ... right ... a little girl deep, my!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Performa By Maytag Washer Pav3360

il Furetto e la Scolastica

Originally uploaded by wile e-coyote

Vado a scuola mamma. Ciuccio nello zaino, pantalone mimetico (che questa e' 'na guera), colpo kung-fu panda pronto. Letizia, sta in campana!