Resiliency - settimana 1
wile 2.0 and 'hard: not enough to avoid responding all'incalzare idiocy, small and big slut daily and weekly. No, because 'the scale of Maslow taught that expectations are growing. E quindi l'accettazione resilient dei mattoncini che giorno dopo giorno mirano a costruirti intorno la beneamata prigione della mediocrita' e' solo il primo passo verso la vetta dell'anonimato. Ci sono poi le forche caudine dell'ignoranza crassa e dello sberleffo bifolco, quelli del " Non so di cosa parli, quindi ti piglio per il culo, tanto e' probabile che ti incazzerai e dimostrerai ancora una volta di mancare di emotional intelligence ".
In pratica, mi sembra di capire che il successo e' garantito per legge non scritta agli idioti ed a coloro che silenziosi osservano gli idioti come se il problema non li riguardasse.
C'e' poi la storiella del " ma a te cosa interessa - non dar loro questo potere be there to make you angry or hurt, be more "... I come immediately to mind those who do not vote, then do not understand how to govern Berlusconi or Bush ... but I'm offensive. In a world of ants, office manager or administrator of the building and 'the idiot that you will' annoy or impair 'your right or insult' your intelligence.'ll be higher?
I have never been. I've never been more than anyone. I have always compared with voluptuousness ', passionately, fossanche for a misplaced comma. And I have always wrong. I want of emotional intelligence.
But then' came the mortgage and since 'I can change, I have investigated this possibility'. Well, not here ' any change. It 's like asking Captain Harlock to become a dentist, but I imagine that the rate of Arcadia someone has' also requested earlier or later.
arrive all together, 10 years of feedback, in fact, are certainly more ', just before I did not know his name. Why 'and I' a life that I take feedback. I've always found a generosity 'extreme and overflowing in donarmeli. I learned every nuance of my faults, my insecurities, my micro and macro traumas of my cowardice 'and wickedness. Now I know: they are defective and faulty. It matters little if any time I'm right, maybe if I expect and what is crazy is going to happen or what the idiot in office wants to do at my expense or other. There 's still something I could say better, do better, argue better - I could be more' peaceful, more 'cunning, more' control, more 'measured.
- What the fuck, they're rubbing me the board 'sti thieves bastards, if any pijo v'ammazzo co' 'ste hands
- Be calm, I'm really sorry that she did not know how to control himself
- But who says? Me from stealing the pensioneeeeee!
- I understand. Do you think that the way to tell? The calendar seems to struggle like'???? Calm down and try to say what he has to say
- ripped me from the board 'sti assholes
- Enough. E 'able to express themselves without the foul language?
- But I do ....
- Listen, I say to you ... here There 'people who complains and wants me to call the guards.
- But shit ... but have not yet called the police for those bastards?
- Again? I do not know what to do with her. But you realize that? But he believes that talking about such 'someone will give' credit?
- But I ... stole me from the board ...
- Ohhh and it took a while. So, I repeat it calmly
- stole me from the board
- No. .. orally more 'low
- well ... m'avrebbero stole the pension ... ie 'these thieves ... no, those gentlemen who now no longer see 'cause they fled ... ie 'I have stolen all that I have ...
- ohh, bravo. Then, as ever, 'so' desperate?
- but because 'no board I do not know what to do I can not eat ...
- Ahhhh, I see that the problem was not the gentlemen? And 'that she has a fear that is unreason ...
- Well of course ...
- Very good, we're getting there. Just speak calmly. She is afraid of not having money to eat
- But they ...
- Well they, they ... we care about them? We all know that those are very good, perhaps, and then 'please do not judge by appearances. But what happens if she cries? Which is then if it gets here and if he finds them in front with a knife?
- But I ...
- had not thought of? Well, we are '. She 's too rash, he gets angry over nothing. Sees monsters everywhere. End up hurt.
- Can I go home?
- Of course, can 'go home. And next time, please. Be quiet and calmly tell us ...
- ... I have stolen the retirement underwear and also the crutch.
- Exactly. And do not do so, 'which seems to have it all with you.
I'm trying, I'm trying to be more 'resilient as I can. Muto, sometimes deaf. To point out when something does not sit well with me only once every ten, often winds. It is not enough - I understand - you need total silence, the theater of the absurd, bilateral otitis. Be different but equal. Do not shout, do not get mad, not burglary, not to attack, do not take it, not challenging, not challenging, not to point out, do not calimero.
It's okay. It's all very well, wile 2.0 proceeds with an obstacle, but hesitate and 'cowardly. To us!
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