Sunday, February 6, 2011

Conjunctivitis More Condition_symptoms

The illusionists

If you talk to today who has signed on to demand the resignation of Berlusconi, and ask them a plausible justification and convincing because has signed, we will respond with the usual cliches, fries and stale, with those sentences to create art from various leaders of the left and right but nothing that comes out as something new from their brain. And I do the example of my town, where even here hath been signed, and with a lot of Gareb planted on the main square opposite the church, as if to hook up the faithful who went or came from the masses. But I was more than once that I no longer go to Mass, and I'm really not in that particular church, it tastes so much of that bell'antico that I like a lot, because I could only make access to the sacristy where the priest of 'Then, his goodness, had built a ramp for wheelchairs, che però è molto ripido e richiede forza, perizia ed attenzione per poter essere affrontato con una carrozzina manuale, e anche l'accompagnatore deve essere ben robusto, altrimenti da soli non ce la si può fare. Si da il caso che mia moglie non se la senta più di spingermi per quella ripida salita, e non sempre si può trovare un volontario pronto e disponibile per darti una mano. Per questo motivo sto rinunciando ad andare a messa. Ma c'è di più, da parecchio tempo il manto stradale del passo carraio dell'accesso alla sacrestia è dissestato; vi sono tali avvallamenti che, se presi alla sprovvista, con distrazione, senza cautele, possono provocare rovinosi rovesciamenti della sedia a rotelle. Il progetto per uno scivolo più suitable, allowing also the entrance to the church on the side where people come without problems, or the installation of the pavement of the driveway of the sacristy, seem to have been asked by the pastor since May 2009.
's the point: we have here is a left-wing administration, an administration whose members were now in the streets to demand the resignation of Berlusconi. Well, translating the affairs of this small town to national affairs, think that if Rome were to get a character from the left would improve things? I did not think and conclude that dall'accanimento well prepared to get rid of Berlusconi in any way, legitimate or not, as they are proving to be here in 17 years, instead of thinking about real problems. Seventeen charges, how many years that Berlusconi and the parliament, all dismounted, and unmount the Ruby case. Frankly, I am among those who have pockets full of this situation where one side wants to bring down Berlusconi by any means. And meanwhile the real problems are set aside, as the case of my town, where you come up with possible strategies to remain anchored to cadreghino, and we neglect the real problems. But despite this, things in Rome you do, contrary to what they want to believe in the various Bersani, Fini and Casini, that if they invent all, the same way as illusionists, but to denigrate Berlusconi per impossessarsi loro del potere, anche per vie non propriamente democratiche.


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