I never copy and paste an entire other article, but this is Benfield so I copy it in full without changing a single comma. The copioincollo as it is, also to be able to send in my name to some friends of politicians who need all the "our" strong support. From the site
the bodybuilder
the bodybuilder
E 'right to pay "salary" five zeros to the interventions of the usual television guru culture / communication nostrana? To be even more explicit: it is correct, professionally and ethically, shell out, as did "Mamma Rai", 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) Euro Roberto Benigni Italy people to explain the meaning of Mameli Hymn? The figure
paid is frankly out of proportion to the efforts of even good actor / comedian, who - in a few obvious anti-government joke, very easy patriotic rhetoric and an obvious looting of Wikipedia - has entertained audiences for half an hour of the Ariston and the broadcaster. What
stride more lucrative engagement in Benigni and many actors / comedians like him, his heart and his wallet left much attention to his business, is their political morality, the "drawl" deplorable on cutting financial statements and attacks (right) to the culture, their attitude of "precarious" spirit.
Victims of facade in fact they continue to make best use of their advantageous position, made after years of erosion (from left) cultural hegemony, making skilful use of the television (public and private), the consent of the mainstream press, the inevitable political support ( left) and the gullibility of some right, psychologically prone to them.
E 'happened to Benigni, but it happens every night, for characters such as Dandini, Fazio, Saviano, the Cortellesi, Crozza, authentic point of the iceberg of a presence costly, invasive, economically disproportionate (to their real value) of hundreds of authentic "assisted" culture. In the list we put
– tanto per essere chiari – tutti quegli attori, registi, cantanti, affabulatori, opinionisti che, con ingaggi pesanti, dispensano cultura e faziosità, confondono ruolo civile e partigianeria, mischiando – come si dice – l’utile ed il dilettevole, a spese dell’erario, quindi di tutti gli italiani.
Da qui una proposta provocatoria. Sulla scia dell’inizitaiva del Ministro Brunetta, che ha pubblicato, sui siti della P.A., gli stipendi dei burocrati di Stato, perché non rendere trasparenti anche gli “ingaggi” dei guru della cultura nostrana ?
Sarebbe un’operazione trasparenza, questa sì di grande valore morale, nei confronti soprattutto citizens and taxpayers of all citizens and taxpayers (right and left) who are their real employers. And it might also be an opportunity to begin to "moderation" certain gigs, watching, with respect to Italy's precarious, wages and pensions to a minimum. Less rhetoric "social" short and a bit 'more authentic, real, sobriety, beginning with personal examples.
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