Perdona e ricorda.
Ottima affermazione, di....non ricordo chi. (?!?!?) ...probabilmente un poeta o un maestro....
Non sono brava a perdonare, I never have been. Although sometimes you do not know, or at least try.
I just remember: P, even if the weather helps, it may seem silly and trivial but it is so.
It 's a message to my friend, reader and confidant ... that is going through a golden age ... but ... Ale strength and courage ... that everything passes, but just improves ....!
The recipe that I propose today is fast, easy and tasty ..
The combination is a classic ricotta and spinach .... and I usually use it for ravioli, lasagna or cannelloni, this time I thought to use it for meatballs.
200 grams of ricotta
200 grams of spinach and wring
4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 1 egg
enough breadcrumbs oil for frying
Mix the ricotta with the Parmesan cheese and salt.

Add drained spinach and tagiluzzati.
Mix well and incorporate the egg and then bread crumbs enough to obtain a composto sodo.
Formare le palline, passarle nel pangrattato e friggerle.

Potete anche farle al forno: 200 gradi fin oa doratura...anche se io le preferisco fritte :P
Baci e buona giornata a tutti da Saretta!
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