Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ward's Ap Biology Lab 5 Answers
New Site From Siena, with love! The Schiodonata, or the roast turned to Mary.
few days ago I told of my stay in Siena, friends delicious.
Mary valuable hands: cooking wonderful meals, drawing air projects, gather in the small garden of herbs and caress sempici Pablo, the black cocker and rascal who never left her.
Maria cucina piatti incredibili della cucina senese: il miglior cinghiale mai assaggiato, finito in casseruola per merito di Antonio, grande cacciatore; le tagliate più succulente; i sughi più appetitosi.
Maria si è prestata, con infinita pazienza e molta autoironia, a sopportare una seduta fotografica, con la sottoscritta come fotografa dilettante!
Ecco quindi la sua ricetta dell'arrosto girato. Lei ha un forno speciale, ma anche con lo spiedo inserito nei nostri forni tradizionali il risultato sarà buonissimo!
A Siena lo chiamano Schiodonata , perchè è composto da vari pezzi di carne, infilati sugli schiodoni , gli spiedi. Maria lo chiama turned roast. You call it what you want, but do not miss it!
Roast shot of Mary.
A nice piece of stew meat (neck, matam)
Chicken Sausage
Tuscan bread (and if you have not used a homemade)
sage leaves
For quantities do some 'you. I am in doubt, abound! Cut into pieces
These are chicken liver, pork liver pallotte, wrapped in the retina. They are a good, if your butcher does not prepare fatevele! Do not miss out!
began to insert the bread on skewers
And then gradually the other ingredients, flavored with a sage leaf, between the one and the other
Finish with another piece of bread.
Assemble the skewers prepared in support of the oven (Mary is equipped with multiple this wonder ... I have only one skewer, but I manage very well!)
anoint with oil and salt Ages generously, then put in a hot oven to brown.
's ready when he takes on this looks fantastic, well polished and browned.
The smell? What a scream!
The taste? Emotion
What are you waiting? Go into the cellar to look for the spit. Now!

few days ago I told of my stay in Siena, friends delicious.

Mary valuable hands: cooking wonderful meals, drawing air projects, gather in the small garden of herbs and caress sempici Pablo, the black cocker and rascal who never left her.

Maria cucina piatti incredibili della cucina senese: il miglior cinghiale mai assaggiato, finito in casseruola per merito di Antonio, grande cacciatore; le tagliate più succulente; i sughi più appetitosi.
Maria si è prestata, con infinita pazienza e molta autoironia, a sopportare una seduta fotografica, con la sottoscritta come fotografa dilettante!
Ecco quindi la sua ricetta dell'arrosto girato. Lei ha un forno speciale, ma anche con lo spiedo inserito nei nostri forni tradizionali il risultato sarà buonissimo!
A Siena lo chiamano Schiodonata , perchè è composto da vari pezzi di carne, infilati sugli schiodoni , gli spiedi. Maria lo chiama turned roast. You call it what you want, but do not miss it!
Roast shot of Mary.
A nice piece of stew meat (neck, matam)
Chicken Sausage
Tuscan bread (and if you have not used a homemade)
sage leaves
For quantities do some 'you. I am in doubt, abound! Cut into pieces

These are chicken liver, pork liver pallotte, wrapped in the retina. They are a good, if your butcher does not prepare fatevele! Do not miss out!

began to insert the bread on skewers

And then gradually the other ingredients, flavored with a sage leaf, between the one and the other

Finish with another piece of bread.

Assemble the skewers prepared in support of the oven (Mary is equipped with multiple this wonder ... I have only one skewer, but I manage very well!)

anoint with oil and salt Ages generously, then put in a hot oven to brown.

's ready when he takes on this looks fantastic, well polished and browned.

The smell? What a scream!
The taste? Emotion
What are you waiting? Go into the cellar to look for the spit. Now!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Scleroderma More Condition_symptoms
Occhiate crazy.
a glance. Among clumps of rhubarb and strawberry scented. Dark eyes and shiny, a shaft of light.
parsley and potatoes, garlic and white chains citrus scent.
And the look that meets you and you chained.
Bouquets of fresh chillies, red as fire, firm and shiny. Small emerald
beans, juicy pomegranate grains, baskets of wild herbs, the smell pungent. Peaches and velvety golden sun, medlar yellow in summer. A peek
oblique, allusive and tempting.
small ripe tomatoes and basil aroma powerful.
glance. Indeed
Occhiate crazy water.
looks fresh garlic onion
cherry tomatoes white wine, thyme 1 finger
1 piece of fresh chili
parsley extra virgin olive oil salt
In a saucepan combine the ' garlic, onion in rondelline, chopped parsley, tomatoes, thyme, pepper and olives. Season with a spoon of extra virgin olive oil. Just heat and add the fish.
Cook for 2 minutes, then turn gently. After another 2 minutes, sprinkle with white wine. Let soften and then add 2 cups of water. Cover and finish cooking. Add salt if necessary

a glance. Among clumps of rhubarb and strawberry scented. Dark eyes and shiny, a shaft of light.
parsley and potatoes, garlic and white chains citrus scent.
And the look that meets you and you chained.
Bouquets of fresh chillies, red as fire, firm and shiny. Small emerald
beans, juicy pomegranate grains, baskets of wild herbs, the smell pungent. Peaches and velvety golden sun, medlar yellow in summer. A peek
oblique, allusive and tempting.
small ripe tomatoes and basil aroma powerful.
glance. Indeed
Occhiate crazy water.

looks fresh garlic onion
cherry tomatoes white wine, thyme 1 finger
1 piece of fresh chili
parsley extra virgin olive oil salt
In a saucepan combine the ' garlic, onion in rondelline, chopped parsley, tomatoes, thyme, pepper and olives. Season with a spoon of extra virgin olive oil. Just heat and add the fish.
Cook for 2 minutes, then turn gently. After another 2 minutes, sprinkle with white wine. Let soften and then add 2 cups of water. Cover and finish cooking. Add salt if necessary
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Write An Ksp Of Pb3(aso4)2,
A "gourmet menu for two, less than 15 €!
Last day, last minute! As usual in heart attack risk, but we are here!
This is my menu for the Gourmet Dinner of Giulia !
I had fun as hell and I learned a lot!
I have found it much easier and more convenient to cook for 4 rather than 2!
I discovered that "thought" to be cost-conscious, but to prepare this dinner because I really turn into a book!
I have found it difficult to count the cost of 5 blueberries, ¼ of egg or a drop of Grand Marnier.
I discovered that I enjoyed a lot to study the menu, leafing through books and newspapers to the kitchen to put on the cross and committed retailers with long and difficult calculations.
I state that I have shopped in the supermarket and suppliers usually where I use: I chose mid-priced products, even giving me any choice bio (biscuits and cheese) and fresh prawns.
The appetizer is actually an appetizer, inspired Americano solid Cedroni Moreno. But the choice of Bloody Mary seemed more fresh and summery, so colorful and cheerful.
accompany the aperitif with rolls of stuffed vine leaves, and fragrant Mediterranean: a plate of Middle Eastern origin, present, albeit with different ingredients from them, even in my region.
The plate means is inspired by that of Claudio Sadler, which I like very much.
The dumplings are made with the terrine of olives, a typical Ligurian.
I used instead of tomato sauce in this recipe, dark chocolate with a fresh beans, which in Liguria is called Maro.
For the cake I fished out a recipe of Italian Cuisine in the summer of 1999. I prepared many times, as the cake this time I preferred to present it as a mini portions, reducing the support of biscuits and butter "shell" single "base".
Cocktails: Bloody Mary with solid Thai rice rolls with pine nuts and raisins in grape leaves.
For the Bloody Mary solid.
Tomato juice, 250ml (2 bottles)
gelatin, 1 sheet
worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon
salt, pepper, lemon juice
85 g gelatin, celery ½ sheet
, 2 stalks thin and soft for decorating.
Versare il succo di pomodoro in una ciotola. Condirlo con sale, pepe, succo di limone e salsa Worcester.
Ammollare la gelatina in acqua fredda.
Scaldare in un pentolino 12 g di acqua, senza farla bollire, poi levare dal fuoco e scioglierci la gelatina.
Versare il succo di pomodoro condito , pian piano, nella gelatina calda. Versare il composto in un contenitore largo, meglio a base non rotonda ( una piccola teglia ad es. ) in modo che raggiunga ca un cm di spessore. Lasciar raffreddare poi riporre in frigo per ca 6 ore.
Ammollare la gelatina. Scioglierla in ca. 10g di acqua molto calda. Versare la vodka, goccia a goccia, nella gelatina. Mescolare bene. Versare in uno stampo quadrato o rettangolare in modo che raggiunga ca. 1 cm thick.
Allow to cool and store in refrigerator for about 6 hours.
With a sharp knife cut jelly squares of approx. 1 cm. With a thin spatula to lift the squares. In
cocktail glass to create a fund of squares with tomato jelly, cover with vodka jelly. Dust with white pepper and garnish with a thin stalk of celery.
tomato juice
worcester 0.61 0.10 0.25
jelly vodka celery
1.00 0.05 2.06 Total
to the rolls of grape leaves.
large and fresh grape leaves, rice Thaibonnet
60g pine nuts 10g raisins
20g onion, 25g (about ¼ of an onion)
butter, 25 g
vegetable stock, approx. 500g fresh mint leaves 3
a sprig of dill
the tip of a teaspoon of turmeric
lemon juice salt, pepper
Wash the vine leaves. Dip them one by one in boiling water for a few seconds, then put in ice water for 30''. Spread out to dry on a clean towel.
Chop the onion and simmer slowly in a saucepan with the butter, without letting it brown.
Add the rice and mix well.
Cover with vegetable stock and continue Cook for about 10 ', stirring frequently.
Allow to cool. Combine the pine nuts, lightly toasted so release their fragrant oil, and raisins soaked in warm water. Chop the mint and dill and mix the batter. Season with a dash of lemon juice. Sprinkle turmeric.
Place a spoonful of filling on each vine leaf and wrap well in order to get the rolls tightly closed.
Arrange the rolls in a casserole, lined with grape leaves, and cover with the remaining broth. Sprinkle a little lemon juice and seasoned with a little oil. Cover the saucepan, and bring the boil, then lower the heat and simmer very slowly for about 40 minutes.
Let cool.
vine leaves
1.70 0.10 Thai rice
pine nuts, raisins
0.40 0.07 0.02
onion soup flavors to total 2.29 0.50
total appetizer 4:35
dumplings olives, dark chocolate with fresh fava beans and shrimp.
bread crumbs, flour
60g, 40g
pate olives, 30g
egg, ¼
Scampi, 4
rosemary, 1 sprig
garlic, 1 clove
tomatoes, beans
2, 300 g
pepper, to taste
basil, a sprig
Salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil.
Making the fountain with the flour and bread crumbs. Put the olive paste in the center, the fourth egg (beat one whole egg in a bowl and pick the fourth part) half a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil flavor (heat the oil in a pan and fry very slowly, without frying, a just a little bit of rosemary and garlic). Mix with a little warm water and a grinding of pepper. Obtained the rather small dumplings.
Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and water vegetation and cut it into small pieces.
In a saucepan heat a little extra virgin olive oil with remaining garlic, add the diced tomatoes and heat for 2 minutes.
Shell the fava beans and peel them. Conditele con olio evo, unite un cucchiaio d'acqua, un poco di sale e frullate.
Sgusciate gli scampi e fateli lessare a vapore per 3 minuti.
Lessare gli gnocchetti. Ripassateli appena in padella con i dadini di pomodoro . Con l'aiuto di un anello d'acciaio, formare un tortino con gli gnocchetti, contornate con il marò di fave fresche, guarnire con gli scampi e un poco di basilico fresco. Spolverare con peperoncino.
Pane grattugiato 0,12
farina 0,01
paté olive 0,21
1/4 uovo 0,07
scampi 5,00
aglio 0,03
fave fresche 1,00
pomodori 0,60
totale 7,04
Piccole bavaresi di ricotta alla frutta fresca.
Biscotti secchi, 35g
burro, 30g
mandorle, 25g
Gran Marnier, 1 goccia
ricotta, 125g
panna montata, 75g
zucchero, 25g
gelatina, 1 foglio
vaniglia, 1 bacca (riutilizzabile)
Frutta per guarnire:
lamponi, 4
mirtilli, 5
fragole, 2
pesca, 2 fettine
Base: Passare nel mixer i biscotti con le mandorle. Mettete il composto in una ciotola e impastatelo con il burro fuso e una goccia di Gran Marnier.
Appoggiate un disco di metallo a cerniera,di circa 6 cm, su un fondo metal covered with parchment paper (I used a pan), spread the mixture on the bottom, creating a disc about 1 cm high.
Preparatene an equal. Put in refrigerator to solidify.
Bavarian: Mix the ricotta. Prepare a syrup by boiling for 3 min. 100 g of water with sugar and 1 whole vanilla bean. Hours melt the gelatin, already softened in cold water and squeezed. (Retrieved the vanilla bean, rinse and let dry. You can reuse it again)
syrup Stir gelatin ricotta, filtering it through a strainer.
soon begin to thicken the ricotta, cream Incorporate assembled and pour the mixture onto the biscuit base in the ring. Bavarian Keep in refrigerator for 6 hours.
Seal: elapsed time, remove the cakes from the fridge and liberateli by steel rings
the Bavarian Garnish with fruit, and whole cloves and sprigs of fresh mint.
butter biscuits 0.07 0.16 0.26
almond ricotta whipped cream
0.69 0.32 0.02
sugar fruit jelly
0.37 1.50 3.39 Total
total of Euro 14.78 dinner
Ugh, I've done it! The accounts are in place, the dinner was cooked and eaten ...!
It is not yet midnight!

Last day, last minute! As usual in heart attack risk, but we are here!
This is my menu for the Gourmet Dinner of Giulia !
I had fun as hell and I learned a lot!
I have found it much easier and more convenient to cook for 4 rather than 2!
I discovered that "thought" to be cost-conscious, but to prepare this dinner because I really turn into a book!
I have found it difficult to count the cost of 5 blueberries, ¼ of egg or a drop of Grand Marnier.
I discovered that I enjoyed a lot to study the menu, leafing through books and newspapers to the kitchen to put on the cross and committed retailers with long and difficult calculations.
I state that I have shopped in the supermarket and suppliers usually where I use: I chose mid-priced products, even giving me any choice bio (biscuits and cheese) and fresh prawns.
The appetizer is actually an appetizer, inspired Americano solid Cedroni Moreno. But the choice of Bloody Mary seemed more fresh and summery, so colorful and cheerful.
accompany the aperitif with rolls of stuffed vine leaves, and fragrant Mediterranean: a plate of Middle Eastern origin, present, albeit with different ingredients from them, even in my region.
The plate means is inspired by that of Claudio Sadler, which I like very much.
The dumplings are made with the terrine of olives, a typical Ligurian.
I used instead of tomato sauce in this recipe, dark chocolate with a fresh beans, which in Liguria is called Maro.
For the cake I fished out a recipe of Italian Cuisine in the summer of 1999. I prepared many times, as the cake this time I preferred to present it as a mini portions, reducing the support of biscuits and butter "shell" single "base".
Cocktails: Bloody Mary with solid Thai rice rolls with pine nuts and raisins in grape leaves.
For the Bloody Mary solid.

Tomato juice, 250ml (2 bottles)
gelatin, 1 sheet
worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon
salt, pepper, lemon juice
85 g gelatin, celery ½ sheet
, 2 stalks thin and soft for decorating.
Versare il succo di pomodoro in una ciotola. Condirlo con sale, pepe, succo di limone e salsa Worcester.
Ammollare la gelatina in acqua fredda.
Scaldare in un pentolino 12 g di acqua, senza farla bollire, poi levare dal fuoco e scioglierci la gelatina.
Versare il succo di pomodoro condito , pian piano, nella gelatina calda. Versare il composto in un contenitore largo, meglio a base non rotonda ( una piccola teglia ad es. ) in modo che raggiunga ca un cm di spessore. Lasciar raffreddare poi riporre in frigo per ca 6 ore.
Ammollare la gelatina. Scioglierla in ca. 10g di acqua molto calda. Versare la vodka, goccia a goccia, nella gelatina. Mescolare bene. Versare in uno stampo quadrato o rettangolare in modo che raggiunga ca. 1 cm thick.
Allow to cool and store in refrigerator for about 6 hours.
With a sharp knife cut jelly squares of approx. 1 cm. With a thin spatula to lift the squares. In
cocktail glass to create a fund of squares with tomato jelly, cover with vodka jelly. Dust with white pepper and garnish with a thin stalk of celery.
tomato juice
worcester 0.61 0.10 0.25
jelly vodka celery
1.00 0.05 2.06 Total
to the rolls of grape leaves.

large and fresh grape leaves, rice Thaibonnet
60g pine nuts 10g raisins
20g onion, 25g (about ¼ of an onion)
butter, 25 g
vegetable stock, approx. 500g fresh mint leaves 3
a sprig of dill
the tip of a teaspoon of turmeric
lemon juice salt, pepper
Wash the vine leaves. Dip them one by one in boiling water for a few seconds, then put in ice water for 30''. Spread out to dry on a clean towel.
Chop the onion and simmer slowly in a saucepan with the butter, without letting it brown.
Add the rice and mix well.
Cover with vegetable stock and continue Cook for about 10 ', stirring frequently.
Allow to cool. Combine the pine nuts, lightly toasted so release their fragrant oil, and raisins soaked in warm water. Chop the mint and dill and mix the batter. Season with a dash of lemon juice. Sprinkle turmeric.
Place a spoonful of filling on each vine leaf and wrap well in order to get the rolls tightly closed.
Arrange the rolls in a casserole, lined with grape leaves, and cover with the remaining broth. Sprinkle a little lemon juice and seasoned with a little oil. Cover the saucepan, and bring the boil, then lower the heat and simmer very slowly for about 40 minutes.
Let cool.
vine leaves
1.70 0.10 Thai rice
pine nuts, raisins
0.40 0.07 0.02
onion soup flavors to total 2.29 0.50
total appetizer 4:35
dumplings olives, dark chocolate with fresh fava beans and shrimp.

bread crumbs, flour
60g, 40g
pate olives, 30g
egg, ¼
Scampi, 4
rosemary, 1 sprig
garlic, 1 clove
tomatoes, beans
2, 300 g
pepper, to taste
basil, a sprig
Salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil.
Making the fountain with the flour and bread crumbs. Put the olive paste in the center, the fourth egg (beat one whole egg in a bowl and pick the fourth part) half a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil flavor (heat the oil in a pan and fry very slowly, without frying, a just a little bit of rosemary and garlic). Mix with a little warm water and a grinding of pepper. Obtained the rather small dumplings.
Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and water vegetation and cut it into small pieces.
In a saucepan heat a little extra virgin olive oil with remaining garlic, add the diced tomatoes and heat for 2 minutes.
Shell the fava beans and peel them. Conditele con olio evo, unite un cucchiaio d'acqua, un poco di sale e frullate.
Sgusciate gli scampi e fateli lessare a vapore per 3 minuti.
Lessare gli gnocchetti. Ripassateli appena in padella con i dadini di pomodoro . Con l'aiuto di un anello d'acciaio, formare un tortino con gli gnocchetti, contornate con il marò di fave fresche, guarnire con gli scampi e un poco di basilico fresco. Spolverare con peperoncino.
Pane grattugiato 0,12
farina 0,01
paté olive 0,21
1/4 uovo 0,07
scampi 5,00
aglio 0,03
fave fresche 1,00
pomodori 0,60
totale 7,04
Piccole bavaresi di ricotta alla frutta fresca.

Biscotti secchi, 35g
burro, 30g
mandorle, 25g
Gran Marnier, 1 goccia
ricotta, 125g
panna montata, 75g
zucchero, 25g
gelatina, 1 foglio
vaniglia, 1 bacca (riutilizzabile)
Frutta per guarnire:
lamponi, 4
mirtilli, 5
fragole, 2
pesca, 2 fettine
Base: Passare nel mixer i biscotti con le mandorle. Mettete il composto in una ciotola e impastatelo con il burro fuso e una goccia di Gran Marnier.
Appoggiate un disco di metallo a cerniera,di circa 6 cm, su un fondo metal covered with parchment paper (I used a pan), spread the mixture on the bottom, creating a disc about 1 cm high.
Preparatene an equal. Put in refrigerator to solidify.
Bavarian: Mix the ricotta. Prepare a syrup by boiling for 3 min. 100 g of water with sugar and 1 whole vanilla bean. Hours melt the gelatin, already softened in cold water and squeezed. (Retrieved the vanilla bean, rinse and let dry. You can reuse it again)
syrup Stir gelatin ricotta, filtering it through a strainer.
soon begin to thicken the ricotta, cream Incorporate assembled and pour the mixture onto the biscuit base in the ring. Bavarian Keep in refrigerator for 6 hours.
Seal: elapsed time, remove the cakes from the fridge and liberateli by steel rings
the Bavarian Garnish with fruit, and whole cloves and sprigs of fresh mint.
butter biscuits 0.07 0.16 0.26
almond ricotta whipped cream
0.69 0.32 0.02
sugar fruit jelly
0.37 1.50 3.39 Total
total of Euro 14.78 dinner
Ugh, I've done it! The accounts are in place, the dinner was cooked and eaten ...!
It is not yet midnight!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
How To Make Sinker Molds
Paccheri cosmopolitan. Rhubarb and Strawberry Crumble
That there are mushrooms on the market stalls in mid-May? It seems to be the result of heavy rains that have plagued us recently. Mind you, have not local mushrooms, these. They come from Spain, but there is not common to find them this season. And I have them paired with shrimp darting, Santa Margherita, to keep company with friends from Gragnano wonderful that they took me from Castellammare. The white wine was a
Pigato the Riviera di Ponente ... parsley? Oh, that's their local reach straight from the bowl on the roof!
Paccheri cosmopolitan.
350 g of shrimp paccheri
8 Santa Margherita (or what have you, beautiful fresh)
1 / 2 kg. Mussels 2
mushrooms parsley
extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic
1 cup dry white wine (or better Pigato the Riviera di Ponente, but you see!)
Do open the mussels in a hot pan without condiment incoperchiata. Strain and reserve the water that will shape.
Clean mushrooms and slice them thin is not. Boil
In a large pan, pour a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, parsley and garlic. Join
mushrooms and cook for 4-5 minutes. Combine the shrimp and mussels. Skip 3-4 minutes. Deglaze with white wine, add a little water mussels filtered. Far restrict two minutes. Paccheri Drain well and cook them al dente in the sauce pan for a couple of minutes.
Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.

That there are mushrooms on the market stalls in mid-May? It seems to be the result of heavy rains that have plagued us recently. Mind you, have not local mushrooms, these. They come from Spain, but there is not common to find them this season. And I have them paired with shrimp darting, Santa Margherita, to keep company with friends from Gragnano wonderful that they took me from Castellammare. The white wine was a
Pigato the Riviera di Ponente ... parsley? Oh, that's their local reach straight from the bowl on the roof!
Paccheri cosmopolitan.
350 g of shrimp paccheri
8 Santa Margherita (or what have you, beautiful fresh)
1 / 2 kg. Mussels 2
mushrooms parsley
extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic
1 cup dry white wine (or better Pigato the Riviera di Ponente, but you see!)
Do open the mussels in a hot pan without condiment incoperchiata. Strain and reserve the water that will shape.
Clean mushrooms and slice them thin is not. Boil
In a large pan, pour a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, parsley and garlic. Join
mushrooms and cook for 4-5 minutes. Combine the shrimp and mussels. Skip 3-4 minutes. Deglaze with white wine, add a little water mussels filtered. Far restrict two minutes. Paccheri Drain well and cook them al dente in the sauce pan for a couple of minutes.
Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.
Poptropica Game Of Brain Games
At times it seems to me to be a hamster. A hamster tired. Tired of riding on the wheel, running and running, breathless, to find myself in the same spot.
Please, daily chores! Nothing tragic. But exhausting, consuming hassle. There is always someone who needs a place to run, to try to repair something broken. There Always a weight to pull, push a load.
I want to go, sometimes, to childhood, when everything was light, simple, when others had to drive ... when I could weave my fingers to the hands of his grandmother, falling asleep on Dad's shoulder, looking up in the eyes of her mother . And smile.
sitting on my father's old chair, I hold in my hands warm cup of a sweet old: my grandmother did, in the spring. And the smell, the warmth, comfort and give me make me smile.
to go down a little from the spinning wheel. Time for a spoonful of sweetness. Then I get back. But now I'm fine here.
Crumble Rhubarb and strawberries.
For 4 ramekins portion.
2 beautiful stalks of rhubarb and strawberries
about 12-16 scented
50 grams of flour (also full)
3 tablespoons almond flour
50 grams of butter (+ a little for buttering the molds)
50 grams sugar (including cane!)
a pinch dicannella
powder Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Butter 4 ramekins
portion. If you want to use a single pan, increase a bit 'doses in proportion.
Mix sugar (two tablespoons except that you need to take part), flour, almonds in a bowl, add a little cinnamon if you like. Put in the center, and softened butter into small pieces, rapidly rubbing your hands! Make crumbs coarse.
Cut the rhubarb, already peeled logs to a maximum of 2 cm. Put it on the bottom of the dish and sprinkle with sugar. Slice the strawberries and arrange over the pieces of rhubarb. Prepare the fruit just before baking, if not in contact with the sugar will be too much sauce.
Cover with the crumbs prepared, creating a thickness of one centimeter. Bake for 30 minutes. The crust should be golden. Serve warm, with whipped cream if you want a scoop of ice cream or soft.
Because the crust is crisp, two minutes past the bowls under the grill hot.

At times it seems to me to be a hamster. A hamster tired. Tired of riding on the wheel, running and running, breathless, to find myself in the same spot.
Please, daily chores! Nothing tragic. But exhausting, consuming hassle. There is always someone who needs a place to run, to try to repair something broken. There Always a weight to pull, push a load.
I want to go, sometimes, to childhood, when everything was light, simple, when others had to drive ... when I could weave my fingers to the hands of his grandmother, falling asleep on Dad's shoulder, looking up in the eyes of her mother . And smile.
sitting on my father's old chair, I hold in my hands warm cup of a sweet old: my grandmother did, in the spring. And the smell, the warmth, comfort and give me make me smile.
to go down a little from the spinning wheel. Time for a spoonful of sweetness. Then I get back. But now I'm fine here.
Crumble Rhubarb and strawberries.
For 4 ramekins portion.
2 beautiful stalks of rhubarb and strawberries
about 12-16 scented
50 grams of flour (also full)
3 tablespoons almond flour
50 grams of butter (+ a little for buttering the molds)
50 grams sugar (including cane!)
a pinch dicannella
powder Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Butter 4 ramekins
portion. If you want to use a single pan, increase a bit 'doses in proportion.
Mix sugar (two tablespoons except that you need to take part), flour, almonds in a bowl, add a little cinnamon if you like. Put in the center, and softened butter into small pieces, rapidly rubbing your hands! Make crumbs coarse.
Cut the rhubarb, already peeled logs to a maximum of 2 cm. Put it on the bottom of the dish and sprinkle with sugar. Slice the strawberries and arrange over the pieces of rhubarb. Prepare the fruit just before baking, if not in contact with the sugar will be too much sauce.
Cover with the crumbs prepared, creating a thickness of one centimeter. Bake for 30 minutes. The crust should be golden. Serve warm, with whipped cream if you want a scoop of ice cream or soft.
Because the crust is crisp, two minutes past the bowls under the grill hot.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What Kind Of Weave Does Myamme Have
A trip to Siena.
A trip to Siena to find special friends.
A land of charm, made of soft curves and gentle, and exhibitions of ancient beauty, unspoilt villages in time and history, ancient foods, rituals alive in the memories and hearts, precious wine, velvety and males.
magical few days, suspended in time, slow and sweet in the hours, caressed by the colors of the ancient land of the fresh green grass and buds, intense bouquet of acacia, light rain, a little 'treacherous that tried in vain to spoil the party.
few photos that tells of a hill, clinging to an incredibly wide sky and reaching out toward a horizon elusive ..
Construction of stone, smiling placidly to the passage of time, gently resting on barrels roomy, with fragrant flowers, in ordered spaces and serene ...
Interior bright and welcoming, waiting ..
Fine wines, rare, precious, soft and enveloping, intense bouquet ... and the knowing smile of those who know ...
ancient villages stand proud and beautiful, pushing the eye out through the expanse of green fields
steep cobbled streets, cared for by man, who respects and brings back rocks and small squares
opens and gives new life to antique shops ...
In the small village, a wry smile and knowing ...
And then, slipping on country roads that roll out of vines and bunches of acacia, we arrive at Siena, golden and quiet, elegant and beautiful ...
E for the course, the parade of unconventional University, loud and funny ..
poi botteghe raffinate, di erbe, di spezie, di carta preziosa, di cibi superbi..
Poi ancora in campagna, da un produttore gentile e sapiente, colpito rabbiosamente dalla vita con un bastone nodoso, eppure pacato e paziente nel parlare di vino, di uve pregiate, di botti antiche
E la spesa è stata grande, avremo vino per l'inverno.
Poi uno spuntino gustoso, nell'antico Bar dell'Orso...
E ancora si sale, verso mura possenti, a guardia di un gioiello raro, sotto a thick heavy rain that can not hide the enchanting beauty, leading to the heart.
(1. Continued)
A trip to Siena to find special friends.

A land of charm, made of soft curves and gentle, and exhibitions of ancient beauty, unspoilt villages in time and history, ancient foods, rituals alive in the memories and hearts, precious wine, velvety and males.
magical few days, suspended in time, slow and sweet in the hours, caressed by the colors of the ancient land of the fresh green grass and buds, intense bouquet of acacia, light rain, a little 'treacherous that tried in vain to spoil the party.
few photos that tells of a hill, clinging to an incredibly wide sky and reaching out toward a horizon elusive ..

Construction of stone, smiling placidly to the passage of time, gently resting on barrels roomy, with fragrant flowers, in ordered spaces and serene ...

Interior bright and welcoming, waiting ..

Fine wines, rare, precious, soft and enveloping, intense bouquet ... and the knowing smile of those who know ...

ancient villages stand proud and beautiful, pushing the eye out through the expanse of green fields

steep cobbled streets, cared for by man, who respects and brings back rocks and small squares

opens and gives new life to antique shops ...

In the small village, a wry smile and knowing ...

And then, slipping on country roads that roll out of vines and bunches of acacia, we arrive at Siena, golden and quiet, elegant and beautiful ...

E for the course, the parade of unconventional University, loud and funny ..

poi botteghe raffinate, di erbe, di spezie, di carta preziosa, di cibi superbi..

Poi ancora in campagna, da un produttore gentile e sapiente, colpito rabbiosamente dalla vita con un bastone nodoso, eppure pacato e paziente nel parlare di vino, di uve pregiate, di botti antiche

E la spesa è stata grande, avremo vino per l'inverno.
Poi uno spuntino gustoso, nell'antico Bar dell'Orso...

E ancora si sale, verso mura possenti, a guardia di un gioiello raro, sotto a thick heavy rain that can not hide the enchanting beauty, leading to the heart.

(1. Continued)
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