There was once a prince who wanted to find a wife ...
a lot of fairy tales begins with this desire ... One for all: Cinderella, which has ruined generations of women. All there to sing with mice and pigeons, to tidy up and mend, to make themselves beautiful for the ball, relying on a clumsy fairy, hoping to be chosen. On second thought, a sort of "Men and Women," by Maria de Filippi in the role of fairy godmother ... or vice versa, which however is still creepy! And
hundred generations of girls there, all dressed up to be choose. It calls for a prince to know how to spin straw into gold, and another of sewing thread of nettles, and another to be able to recognize the disturbing presence of a pea under twelve mattresses ... And the girls from a hundred generations, instead of inviting the so-called principles to go and buy a T-shirt and jeans, while they make up for a nap almeno un paio di quei materassi, tessono, cuciono e si lamentano dello sgradevole presenza di un misero pisellino.
E se c'è stato un tempo in cui le fanciulle sembravano aver rotto la maledizione delle fiabe, che le voleva docili e gentili, alacri tessitrici e garrule interlocutrici di scoiattoli e nanetti, vittime di matrigne arcigne e di padri distratti..eccole lì oggi, di nuovo Rosaspine addormentate nel bosco, in attesa del bacio di un principe, magari pure un po' ranocchio, per risvegliarsi...e poter riprendere a filare!
Cappuccino bicolore.

2 cipollotti freschi
700g piselli da sgusciare
2 patate
olio evo
pepper sliced \u200b\u200balmonds thyme flowers
Shell the peas and peeling potatoes.
In a saucepan, heat just a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, add the onion pieces and peas. Stir, cover with water, add salt and cook 10 minutes.
In another saucepan, with a little oil, add the remaining onion and potatoes into small pieces. Cover with water and incoperchiare.
Mix separately the two preparations, with an immersion blender. Adjust salt, add a good grating of pepper to the mashed potatoes.
Pour cream into the glasses before the potatoes then the peas. Garnish with a flower of thyme, or some piece of mint and slices of almonds. Serve hot or warm.
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