Due dolcini per la mamma, offerti un po' in anticipo, questa mattina, con una fumante tazza di caffè!
Un cuore per ognuna, da parte delle mie figlie...due biscottini cucinati con amore, adagiati in un piattino ad accompagnare una principesca colazione a letto! Caffè, spremuta, una copia del mio quotidiano, un fiorellino raccolto in terrazza.
E tutto l'amore del mondo tra le mie mani.
Un momento così vale una vita!
Cuori dolci per la mamma.

150g farina
40g mandorle in polvere
75g burro
75g zucchero
1/2 bustina di lievito in polvere
1/2 limone untreated
sugar 150g dark chocolate 1 egg
1 cuchiaio rum
1 dl whipping cream salt
Making the fountain on the work surface with flour and baking powder sifted. Combine the almonds in the center, the soft butter into small pieces, sugar, a pinch of salt, one egg, finely grated zest of a lemon. Mix quickly, wrap in a sheet of wax paper and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough into a thin sheet. With a round pastry cutter (6-8 cm) crop in many disks the same. Forarne half. the center, with a smaller cutter in the shape of the heart. Place them all on a plate lined with cartaforno and bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Let cake cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile
Break the chocolate and melt in double boiler. Transfer to a bowl and let cool. Whip cream, add half the chocolate, then add liquor. Mix well and add the remaining cream. Spread with cream
whole disks, cover them with ones with the hole in the heart, then transfer the remaining cream in a small sac-a-few-etching and filling the heart.
Dust with icing sugar.
(from Easy in the kitchen - chocolate )
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