few days ago I told of my stay in Siena, friends delicious.

Mary valuable hands: cooking wonderful meals, drawing air projects, gather in the small garden of herbs and caress sempici Pablo, the black cocker and rascal who never left her.

Maria cucina piatti incredibili della cucina senese: il miglior cinghiale mai assaggiato, finito in casseruola per merito di Antonio, grande cacciatore; le tagliate più succulente; i sughi più appetitosi.
Maria si è prestata, con infinita pazienza e molta autoironia, a sopportare una seduta fotografica, con la sottoscritta come fotografa dilettante!
Ecco quindi la sua ricetta dell'arrosto girato. Lei ha un forno speciale, ma anche con lo spiedo inserito nei nostri forni tradizionali il risultato sarà buonissimo!
A Siena lo chiamano Schiodonata , perchè è composto da vari pezzi di carne, infilati sugli schiodoni , gli spiedi. Maria lo chiama turned roast. You call it what you want, but do not miss it!
Roast shot of Mary.
A nice piece of stew meat (neck, matam)
Chicken Sausage
Tuscan bread (and if you have not used a homemade)
sage leaves
For quantities do some 'you. I am in doubt, abound! Cut into pieces

These are chicken liver, pork liver pallotte, wrapped in the retina. They are a good, if your butcher does not prepare fatevele! Do not miss out!

began to insert the bread on skewers

And then gradually the other ingredients, flavored with a sage leaf, between the one and the other

Finish with another piece of bread.

Assemble the skewers prepared in support of the oven (Mary is equipped with multiple this wonder ... I have only one skewer, but I manage very well!)

anoint with oil and salt Ages generously, then put in a hot oven to brown.

's ready when he takes on this looks fantastic, well polished and browned.

The smell? What a scream!
The taste? Emotion
What are you waiting? Go into the cellar to look for the spit. Now!
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