A trip to Siena to find special friends.

A land of charm, made of soft curves and gentle, and exhibitions of ancient beauty, unspoilt villages in time and history, ancient foods, rituals alive in the memories and hearts, precious wine, velvety and males.
magical few days, suspended in time, slow and sweet in the hours, caressed by the colors of the ancient land of the fresh green grass and buds, intense bouquet of acacia, light rain, a little 'treacherous that tried in vain to spoil the party.
few photos that tells of a hill, clinging to an incredibly wide sky and reaching out toward a horizon elusive ..

Construction of stone, smiling placidly to the passage of time, gently resting on barrels roomy, with fragrant flowers, in ordered spaces and serene ...

Interior bright and welcoming, waiting ..

Fine wines, rare, precious, soft and enveloping, intense bouquet ... and the knowing smile of those who know ...

ancient villages stand proud and beautiful, pushing the eye out through the expanse of green fields

steep cobbled streets, cared for by man, who respects and brings back rocks and small squares

opens and gives new life to antique shops ...

In the small village, a wry smile and knowing ...

And then, slipping on country roads that roll out of vines and bunches of acacia, we arrive at Siena, golden and quiet, elegant and beautiful ...

E for the course, the parade of unconventional University, loud and funny ..

poi botteghe raffinate, di erbe, di spezie, di carta preziosa, di cibi superbi..

Poi ancora in campagna, da un produttore gentile e sapiente, colpito rabbiosamente dalla vita con un bastone nodoso, eppure pacato e paziente nel parlare di vino, di uve pregiate, di botti antiche

E la spesa è stata grande, avremo vino per l'inverno.
Poi uno spuntino gustoso, nell'antico Bar dell'Orso...

E ancora si sale, verso mura possenti, a guardia di un gioiello raro, sotto a thick heavy rain that can not hide the enchanting beauty, leading to the heart.

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