Last day, last minute! As usual in heart attack risk, but we are here!
This is my menu for the Gourmet Dinner of Giulia !
I had fun as hell and I learned a lot!
I have found it much easier and more convenient to cook for 4 rather than 2!
I discovered that "thought" to be cost-conscious, but to prepare this dinner because I really turn into a book!
I have found it difficult to count the cost of 5 blueberries, ¼ of egg or a drop of Grand Marnier.
I discovered that I enjoyed a lot to study the menu, leafing through books and newspapers to the kitchen to put on the cross and committed retailers with long and difficult calculations.
I state that I have shopped in the supermarket and suppliers usually where I use: I chose mid-priced products, even giving me any choice bio (biscuits and cheese) and fresh prawns.
The appetizer is actually an appetizer, inspired Americano solid Cedroni Moreno. But the choice of Bloody Mary seemed more fresh and summery, so colorful and cheerful.
accompany the aperitif with rolls of stuffed vine leaves, and fragrant Mediterranean: a plate of Middle Eastern origin, present, albeit with different ingredients from them, even in my region.
The plate means is inspired by that of Claudio Sadler, which I like very much.
The dumplings are made with the terrine of olives, a typical Ligurian.
I used instead of tomato sauce in this recipe, dark chocolate with a fresh beans, which in Liguria is called Maro.
For the cake I fished out a recipe of Italian Cuisine in the summer of 1999. I prepared many times, as the cake this time I preferred to present it as a mini portions, reducing the support of biscuits and butter "shell" single "base".
Cocktails: Bloody Mary with solid Thai rice rolls with pine nuts and raisins in grape leaves.
For the Bloody Mary solid.

Tomato juice, 250ml (2 bottles)
gelatin, 1 sheet
worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon
salt, pepper, lemon juice
85 g gelatin, celery ½ sheet
, 2 stalks thin and soft for decorating.
Versare il succo di pomodoro in una ciotola. Condirlo con sale, pepe, succo di limone e salsa Worcester.
Ammollare la gelatina in acqua fredda.
Scaldare in un pentolino 12 g di acqua, senza farla bollire, poi levare dal fuoco e scioglierci la gelatina.
Versare il succo di pomodoro condito , pian piano, nella gelatina calda. Versare il composto in un contenitore largo, meglio a base non rotonda ( una piccola teglia ad es. ) in modo che raggiunga ca un cm di spessore. Lasciar raffreddare poi riporre in frigo per ca 6 ore.
Ammollare la gelatina. Scioglierla in ca. 10g di acqua molto calda. Versare la vodka, goccia a goccia, nella gelatina. Mescolare bene. Versare in uno stampo quadrato o rettangolare in modo che raggiunga ca. 1 cm thick.
Allow to cool and store in refrigerator for about 6 hours.
With a sharp knife cut jelly squares of approx. 1 cm. With a thin spatula to lift the squares. In
cocktail glass to create a fund of squares with tomato jelly, cover with vodka jelly. Dust with white pepper and garnish with a thin stalk of celery.
tomato juice
worcester 0.61 0.10 0.25
jelly vodka celery
1.00 0.05 2.06 Total
to the rolls of grape leaves.

large and fresh grape leaves, rice Thaibonnet
60g pine nuts 10g raisins
20g onion, 25g (about ¼ of an onion)
butter, 25 g
vegetable stock, approx. 500g fresh mint leaves 3
a sprig of dill
the tip of a teaspoon of turmeric
lemon juice salt, pepper
Wash the vine leaves. Dip them one by one in boiling water for a few seconds, then put in ice water for 30''. Spread out to dry on a clean towel.
Chop the onion and simmer slowly in a saucepan with the butter, without letting it brown.
Add the rice and mix well.
Cover with vegetable stock and continue Cook for about 10 ', stirring frequently.
Allow to cool. Combine the pine nuts, lightly toasted so release their fragrant oil, and raisins soaked in warm water. Chop the mint and dill and mix the batter. Season with a dash of lemon juice. Sprinkle turmeric.
Place a spoonful of filling on each vine leaf and wrap well in order to get the rolls tightly closed.
Arrange the rolls in a casserole, lined with grape leaves, and cover with the remaining broth. Sprinkle a little lemon juice and seasoned with a little oil. Cover the saucepan, and bring the boil, then lower the heat and simmer very slowly for about 40 minutes.
Let cool.
vine leaves
1.70 0.10 Thai rice
pine nuts, raisins
0.40 0.07 0.02
onion soup flavors to total 2.29 0.50
total appetizer 4:35
dumplings olives, dark chocolate with fresh fava beans and shrimp.

bread crumbs, flour
60g, 40g
pate olives, 30g
egg, ¼
Scampi, 4
rosemary, 1 sprig
garlic, 1 clove
tomatoes, beans
2, 300 g
pepper, to taste
basil, a sprig
Salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil.
Making the fountain with the flour and bread crumbs. Put the olive paste in the center, the fourth egg (beat one whole egg in a bowl and pick the fourth part) half a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil flavor (heat the oil in a pan and fry very slowly, without frying, a just a little bit of rosemary and garlic). Mix with a little warm water and a grinding of pepper. Obtained the rather small dumplings.
Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and water vegetation and cut it into small pieces.
In a saucepan heat a little extra virgin olive oil with remaining garlic, add the diced tomatoes and heat for 2 minutes.
Shell the fava beans and peel them. Conditele con olio evo, unite un cucchiaio d'acqua, un poco di sale e frullate.
Sgusciate gli scampi e fateli lessare a vapore per 3 minuti.
Lessare gli gnocchetti. Ripassateli appena in padella con i dadini di pomodoro . Con l'aiuto di un anello d'acciaio, formare un tortino con gli gnocchetti, contornate con il marò di fave fresche, guarnire con gli scampi e un poco di basilico fresco. Spolverare con peperoncino.
Pane grattugiato 0,12
farina 0,01
paté olive 0,21
1/4 uovo 0,07
scampi 5,00
aglio 0,03
fave fresche 1,00
pomodori 0,60
totale 7,04
Piccole bavaresi di ricotta alla frutta fresca.

Biscotti secchi, 35g
burro, 30g
mandorle, 25g
Gran Marnier, 1 goccia
ricotta, 125g
panna montata, 75g
zucchero, 25g
gelatina, 1 foglio
vaniglia, 1 bacca (riutilizzabile)
Frutta per guarnire:
lamponi, 4
mirtilli, 5
fragole, 2
pesca, 2 fettine
Base: Passare nel mixer i biscotti con le mandorle. Mettete il composto in una ciotola e impastatelo con il burro fuso e una goccia di Gran Marnier.
Appoggiate un disco di metallo a cerniera,di circa 6 cm, su un fondo metal covered with parchment paper (I used a pan), spread the mixture on the bottom, creating a disc about 1 cm high.
Preparatene an equal. Put in refrigerator to solidify.
Bavarian: Mix the ricotta. Prepare a syrup by boiling for 3 min. 100 g of water with sugar and 1 whole vanilla bean. Hours melt the gelatin, already softened in cold water and squeezed. (Retrieved the vanilla bean, rinse and let dry. You can reuse it again)
syrup Stir gelatin ricotta, filtering it through a strainer.
soon begin to thicken the ricotta, cream Incorporate assembled and pour the mixture onto the biscuit base in the ring. Bavarian Keep in refrigerator for 6 hours.
Seal: elapsed time, remove the cakes from the fridge and liberateli by steel rings
the Bavarian Garnish with fruit, and whole cloves and sprigs of fresh mint.
butter biscuits 0.07 0.16 0.26
almond ricotta whipped cream
0.69 0.32 0.02
sugar fruit jelly
0.37 1.50 3.39 Total
total of Euro 14.78 dinner
Ugh, I've done it! The accounts are in place, the dinner was cooked and eaten ...!
It is not yet midnight!
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