The only love that I would ... if I had you with me
to you who made my life beautiful to die, that you can render the effort a great pleasure
you who are my great love and
my great love to you who took my life and I've done a lot more
you who have given meaning to time without measure
you who are my great love and my love for you have
, simply are, the substance of my days, the substance of my dreams ...
and to you who you are, simply are, companion of my days ... stuff of dreams ...
* piece taken from the song to you by Jovanotti
I think the most important thing in life is love ... find the right person, the other half of the apple, the other piece of heart ...
And when you have the good fortune to meet a fantastic person, that you feel full when you look .... well ... you have found happiness, true happiness.
to you that you're always in good times and bad times ..
to you that you can understand me at a glance ...
to you that I talk about family, true love and dreams to realize and share with me ...
to you that every day fills me with care ...
to you that you have taught me what it really means Love ..
Thanks my love.
Marco is more greedy than me (!!!).
I prepared these chocolates for our anniversary ... but in the end ... a thousand things to do, to organize, present, preparations for Christmas, etc ... well, I have forgotten them at home!
are finite in the mouth of my hungry daddy .... all right ... if you enjoyed appreciated!
I had advanced from marzipan recipe previous .... and then I thought to use it for some chocolates!
I used silicone molds of normal, comfortable.
150 grams of dark chocolate marzipan
Melt the dark chocolate. Brush the molds with the melted chocolate.

Put in refrigerator to solidify. resume, fill them with marzipan and brush surface with melted chocolate
Kisses and good day to all from Saretta! Let the good neither!
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