Stars with marzipan tarts
These starlets have prepared for my colleagues mamy, I have asked some biscuit!
Given the imminent arrival of Christmas ... I decided to decorate for a party .... and to do that, I used marzipan ... I love ..
I prepared at home ... very easy and simple and can also be used to create decorations for cakes, muffins etc ...
300 grams of flour
200 g butter 170 g sugar
2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder
For the marzipan:
125 gr di farina di mandorle
125 gr di zucchero a velo
1 albume
qualche goccia di aroma mandorla
colorante giallo
Amalgamare burro e zucchero, farina, uova e lievito
Formate una palla e stendetela, ricavandone quindi dei biscotti con l'aiuto di una formina a forma di stella.
Metterli su carta forno ed infornare a 180 gr per 20 minuti.
Intanto prepariamo il marzapane semplicemente mescolando tutti gli ingredienti assieme e stendolo su un piano spolverato con zucchero a velo
paint the mask with a few drops of yellow food coloring.
Then cut out the stencil with the same stars from gingerbread cookies and glue them on.
If you have difficulties to stick, spread a very thin film of melted butter or jam before marzipan.
Kisses and good weekend to be snowy Saretta! let the good: P
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