A double chocolate muffins for everyone! Recipe view "cooked and eaten" They're great and
cioccolatosisssssimi! try them!
nice weekend!
Makes about 12 muffins:
240 grams of flour 120 g sugar 300 g dark chocolate
a packet of yeast
100 grams of milk
100 g butter 2 egg yolks 4 egg whites
a pinch of salt
Dissolve 100 grams of chocolate with milk and butter.
Meanwhile chop the remaining chocolate. Add to the flour, sugar, yeast and pinch of salt.

lightly beat the egg yolks and add to chocolate mixture.
Stir the mixture of flour to the chocolate
Beat the egg whites and add, stirring gently from bottom to top

Put the mixture in to muffin cups and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Troooppo good!
Et voila! Cotto e. .. eating!
Kisses and good day to all from Saretta! do good!
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