C'è un altro personaggio del Fli che, nel Porta a Porta di ieri sera, mi ha profondamente deluso: Mario Baldassarri . E pensare che fino a qualche settimana fa lo reputavo comunque una persona degna di stima, anche se ha aderito a quel pseudo partito of fli. Last night he was attacked at the usual old story that Berlusconi did nothing in those two and a half years of government. After that statement, given the low esteem that still fell completely: where is he, where he has lived in these two and a half years, when Berlusconi had pledged to take out the rubbish from Naples? Which would have to think about someone else. It was when Berlusconi was committed by the earthquakes of the Eagle? And where was he when Berlusconi was involved in all those battles that is fighting to change the face of Italy? That part of Italy where there were those who had perched in defense of old-established privileges (see baronies school)? In my order of evaluation, Baldassarri fell to four of the other party of its movement I have described in previous post . And, not to repeat myself because I have repeatedly written to the other four, I close here: is merely a recollection of climbing mirror those of the members of that pseudo party. In my standard vivacchiare to them, breaking the boxes to the government and the people who feels compelled to endure their presence unnecessary, and should be in those programs, thereby exposing the eyes of these men, the ridicolaggio of certain claims. They must, however, in spite of themselves, justify to the people of that part of voters who are doing something, and then the cost of their presence is not in vain. Without those appearances would not be able to prove anything at all, and none of what we are doing in Parliament, and for what they get paid. They are a classic case of those who are neither fish nor fowl. They have learned to tune my memory that the above, if mutual exchange and whenever any of them has to go to some of those TV shows. According to my opinion, they would rather avoid going there, to avoid exposing themselves to certain allegations without ridicolaggio to construct that must inevitably do. So go, do some cabal, saying the chopped speech that Berlusconi did nothing in these two and a half years, and the game is made for them, if they come home nice and good to have made fully convinced of their self-imposed duty of saviors of the country. The real truth is that in that motion I had the impression that they have become pure of all good mountaineers / climbers mirrors. And is now the fifth person who touches me sip; unless, in circumstances where someone of that movement is not changing the channel to not spoil the evening, having to listen to raving statements.
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