Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Judges, Free and La7

This post is copiaincolla, revised and with additions, made the comment to post tapping, but what cost us! , Nessie.

... because the judges have the power to decide on everything, and never pay for their mistakes. There are also the judges who make mistakes, and more. As those of us informed with the news everyday, and there, or if there are any! And if you say it was also Famiglia Cristiana, a number of months ago (which I kept for future reference), this means that the flaws were really big, especially considering that, at least from what I know reading the headlines, it seems to me that Famiglia Cristiana has Berlusconi against malicious eyes, while with others it is enough feel-good and forgiving. In short, after reading the journal of the "distractions and shortcomings" of certain judges, and after reading the article on Free Filippo Facci of 14.01.2011 (of which one part is reviewed by Nessie), personally claim that judges were elected by the people at least at intervals of 4 or 5 years maximum, so the less educated of them would expelled by the people who had elected them. Look at how much money we spend doing standard for wiretaps useless! But none of the opposition he tore his clothes for this reason : I am only able to protest and push for people to protest the cuts in public spending! This morning I heard another leading figure in music, who complained about the cuts to culture: fellow!
And meanwhile I heard on the radio this morning that Berlusconi telephoned last night to Gad Lerner (an alter bun for CAJ), sending him to hell. Here recording of the call. To the comment later. But one thing I want to tell those of Telecom Italy Media, owner of La7: "if avessi ancora vostre azioni, le venderei al volo. Liberatevi di gente faziosa come questa, e il vostro titolo, per quel che ne so io, riprenderebbe il volo!".

Berlusconi insulta Lerner: incredibile postribolo televisivo
Caricato da TMNews . - Video notizie dal mondo.


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