Avevo già letto uno stralcio della notizia dal giornale La Stampa del 5 gennaio, e ieri ho avuta la conferma di una notizia similare dal giornale online della Lega Nord, Sezione di Nova Milanese .Titolo di quest'ultimo: Sicilia, polemiche contro il bando per 8400 stagisti.
Premesso che mia moglie è siciliana, che ho amici siciliani dove vivo e giù in Sicilia, non posso essere sospettato di avere alcunchè contro i siciliani, nè tanto meno, quel che verrebbe da sospettare per uno che vive in Lombardia, che nutra sentimenti di qualunque genere.
Veniamo ai fatti
Il giorno 5 leggo sul Giornale di quelle 144.147 persone stipendiate dalla Regione Sicilia. Poi leggo di quei 8400 nuovi precari che dovrebbero essere assunti dalla stessa; e mi chiedo per far che cosa, dal momento che c'è già uno strabordante esubero. Poi leggo il caso di quella dirigente regionale costretta a vivere a fianco di quell'ex carcerato che anni fa le aveva scippato la borsetta, il quale è stato assunto come precario e messo nel suo ufficio per svolgere mansioni of spostacarte, messenger and so on. I, like many other bloggers, the news has not done much pleasure, because of the unnecessary destruction of public money, but was glad to hear that the regional law is passed with a favorable vote of Fli, the party's future and freedom. And this, just to point out about what the future and what freedom is based on work ahead to the future and freedom by finioti: solving problems, making burden on the shoulders of others. E 'today because the news broadcast by Radio Padania in the course of the normal Press , that civil servants as a cost impact on each resident of their region, for 21 € a year the inhabitants of Lombardy, 21 € per year for residents of the Veneto region, and 320 euro per year for the inhabitants of Sicily and over 2000 € a year for each inhabitant of the Val d'Aosta, and so on. It goes without saying that we all know from where the € 320 a year burden on the shoulders of every inhabitant of Sicily (including infants and older) and where they came from more than 2000 € per year for each civil servant salary from the region of Val 'Aosta, which rests on the shoulders of each Valle d'Aosta. Returning to the fact
Sicilian, and that the regional law is passed by a vote in favor of Fli, just to disappoint any fans of that party Fli, we call this group of bloggers that the party party Pied Piper of fli-fli, fli-fli, and to this end we have written an avalanche of post, including my own ( Case Fini textbook case), which also project to propose an amendment to the Constitution which is prevented MPs of any political party of betraying so shamelessly and in a manner so blatant and arrogant its electorate, as Fini and his companions have done (I challenge any elector of the PDL to give logical and convincing explanations of what happened. I challenge them to practice in say what they wanted and that they had those intentions).
But about gullible dupes, is yesterday's news, confirmed this morning in review Print of Radio Padania, which Cortellesi Paola, who has always proclaimed himself a communist, went to Channel 5 in the transmission Zelig, and will be paid to € 65,000 per episode. As if to say: heart left, but right portfolio.
Premesso che mia moglie è siciliana, che ho amici siciliani dove vivo e giù in Sicilia, non posso essere sospettato di avere alcunchè contro i siciliani, nè tanto meno, quel che verrebbe da sospettare per uno che vive in Lombardia, che nutra sentimenti di qualunque genere.
Veniamo ai fatti
Il giorno 5 leggo sul Giornale di quelle 144.147 persone stipendiate dalla Regione Sicilia. Poi leggo di quei 8400 nuovi precari che dovrebbero essere assunti dalla stessa; e mi chiedo per far che cosa, dal momento che c'è già uno strabordante esubero. Poi leggo il caso di quella dirigente regionale costretta a vivere a fianco di quell'ex carcerato che anni fa le aveva scippato la borsetta, il quale è stato assunto come precario e messo nel suo ufficio per svolgere mansioni of spostacarte, messenger and so on. I, like many other bloggers, the news has not done much pleasure, because of the unnecessary destruction of public money, but was glad to hear that the regional law is passed with a favorable vote of Fli, the party's future and freedom. And this, just to point out about what the future and what freedom is based on work ahead to the future and freedom by finioti: solving problems, making burden on the shoulders of others. E 'today because the news broadcast by Radio Padania in the course of the normal Press , that civil servants as a cost impact on each resident of their region, for 21 € a year the inhabitants of Lombardy, 21 € per year for residents of the Veneto region, and 320 euro per year for the inhabitants of Sicily and over 2000 € a year for each inhabitant of the Val d'Aosta, and so on. It goes without saying that we all know from where the € 320 a year burden on the shoulders of every inhabitant of Sicily (including infants and older) and where they came from more than 2000 € per year for each civil servant salary from the region of Val 'Aosta, which rests on the shoulders of each Valle d'Aosta. Returning to the fact
Sicilian, and that the regional law is passed by a vote in favor of Fli, just to disappoint any fans of that party Fli, we call this group of bloggers that the party party Pied Piper of fli-fli, fli-fli, and to this end we have written an avalanche of post, including my own ( Case Fini textbook case), which also project to propose an amendment to the Constitution which is prevented MPs of any political party of betraying so shamelessly and in a manner so blatant and arrogant its electorate, as Fini and his companions have done (I challenge any elector of the PDL to give logical and convincing explanations of what happened. I challenge them to practice in say what they wanted and that they had those intentions).
But about gullible dupes, is yesterday's news, confirmed this morning in review Print of Radio Padania, which Cortellesi Paola, who has always proclaimed himself a communist, went to Channel 5 in the transmission Zelig, and will be paid to € 65,000 per episode. As if to say: heart left, but right portfolio.
O gullible dupes, down from the tree!
are pathetic, and I personally do straridere all those people (which I consider jester) who spit in the pot where they eat! Indeed, there is the case that both Channel 5 Mediaset, Fininvest therefore, indirectly the then Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, which has always seen as a smoke screen all the Communists.
are pathetic, and I personally do straridere all those people (which I consider jester) who spit in the pot where they eat! Indeed, there is the case that both Channel 5 Mediaset, Fininvest therefore, indirectly the then Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, which has always seen as a smoke screen all the Communists.
Long live the consistency of behavior! Berlusconi is too good. It was me, I'd really purge all those shady characters and false (and then there are some who believe bamba autovicinanza those proclamations of the Left parties. Yes, my heart left, but the portfolio right!. And Then someone points out that Berlusconi as a dictator / tyrant! arcistufo Personally I am of all the nonsense and falsehoods. Ultrapatetici ultraipocriti and even these actors / singers fake leftists.
Apart from the fact that it is indecent as well as give you a punch in the face of the poor, to € 65,000 per episode to anyone, to conduct a program. Paola Cortellesi, Montessori, the community, deserve a trip of whistles, with the launch of rotten eggs, do not just go up on the stage of Zelig Teatro Arcimboldi in Milan.
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