A proposito di fabbrica delle risate, che ben vengano, se esse fanno bene alla salute, come ho scritto nel post Yoga della risata , ma se a condurre uno spettacolo di risate vi è una conduttrice che si proclama Communist and then goes to collect € 65,000 per episode to lead, there's something I do not square.
It is primarily a non-square behavior of the evangelical magazine Famiglia Cristiana , which is always in the forefront when it comes to scold the groom or
, and the League in particular, why not do the miracles, but then says nothing about the employment of super Paola Cortellesi afforded it to conduct Zelig. Strange, very strange behavior of this magazine, which always has special eyes turned to the homeless, the Roma living in caravans, the poor, caring for each other, brotherhood, of the offers to do for various good works, inter-religious peace, and so on. My wife has subscribed to that magazine, and appears not to be able to do without, mainly because of that extension dedicated to the heartbreaking letters. Poor thing even my wife. He does not know that behind those desks are fine professionals should evaluate, correct, taxes, etc.. all he has to go to press? I myself wrote in the past to the editor, but there was never any outcome. I remember in particular that he had written them because they did review the book Daniela Pizzagalli Gambara Mrs. Veronica poetry , just released, and as soon as I read it, but nothing like you have written in the wind. It 's a magazine really strange time ago in a sarcastic comment to
ycon Famiglia Cristiana wrote that he would never reviewed Andrea Vitali , because in every episode from the novel always inserts erotic sexual component (this is the case with novels A window overlooking the lake, The Secret of Ortel, including Olive, etc.), however, just before Christmas, they published an interview with the medical writer Bellano (which I have a lot in all these posts Treaty ), in which also spoke of his new edition completely revised, again set in 30s, but readjusted with an eye turned to current events (see issue relating to Fiat), the novel Mechanic Landru.
As mentioned above, and as far as I'm concerned, I find it very strange to the magazine, recently full of compromises and so-called leap of quail. The case of the high compensation to Paola Cortellesi, for example, to vicend
and similar in the past had cried foul, tore his clothes off in this case, nothing. But there's more: No 2 of 9 January 2011 dedicated its cover to the couple Bisio - Cortellesi, and on page 66 there is a service on the new edition of Zelig, in which parlano della coppia. Ma del compenso alla Cortellesi, che per altri casi sarebbe stato citato come un enorme scandalo, neanche un accenno.
Rivista strana, quindi, come dicevo, alla quale siamo abbonati per una questione di tradizione pluri decennale, ma della quale farei volentieri a meno perchè la trovo piena di tutti quei bei discorsi retorici.
It is primarily a non-square behavior of the evangelical magazine Famiglia Cristiana , which is always in the forefront when it comes to scold the groom or

As mentioned above, and as far as I'm concerned, I find it very strange to the magazine, recently full of compromises and so-called leap of quail. The case of the high compensation to Paola Cortellesi, for example, to vicend

Rivista strana, quindi, come dicevo, alla quale siamo abbonati per una questione di tradizione pluri decennale, ma della quale farei volentieri a meno perchè la trovo piena di tutti quei bei discorsi retorici.
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