Note: video and images related to the post have been created, reproduced and published on this site by Friends Aquaeductus .
Below are transcribed captions of the following recording, owned by auroramarcoaurora (click at left to access the YouTube video). The original registration, in English, translated and captioned by the legitimate owners of the video is 16 March 2008. At that time he was in the midst of the storm caused by the bursting of the bubble on subprime mortgages, but the topic covered in the video is always full and topical.
If the owners of the video, AURORA, do not accept the full deployment of their videos and found some violation of copyright law , Please communicate the order to delete the text from the Internet.
the caption text is transcribed informative purposes only (and it would be good to read while looking at the images broadcast on YouTube) very interesting because they believe the fundamental principles underlying the four arguments that make up the theme as a whole . Topics that are covered in a very concise and can trigger broader discussions. In particular, he found the video interesting for the content of the four chapters in which stato suddiviso molto sinteticamente l'argomento complessivo: 1) Origini degli Stati Uniti, e i padri fondatori che ne hanno redatto la Costituzione; 2) I cambiavalute; 3) L'Impero Romano; 4) Gli Orafi.
1) Stati Uniti
Quel che si deve capire è che dal giorno in cui la Costituzione fu adottata fino ad oggi, gli individui che traggono profitto dalle banche centrali private, i "cambiavalute", come Madison li chiamava, hanno combattuto una battaglia incessante, per ottenere il controllo su chi deve stampare il denaro americano.
Perchè chi stampa il denaro è così importante? Pensate al denaro come ad una qualunque altra merce. Se si ha il monopolio su una merce di cui everyone needs, everyone wants and nobody has enough, there are many ways to make a profit and also exert strong political influence.
is the real meaning of this battle. Throughout U.S. history, the power of money has gone back and forth between the Congress and a central bank in some way in private ownership.
The founding fathers knew the evils resulting from a privately owned central bank. First, they saw as the central bank English public, the Bank of England, the national debt had increased to such an extent that Parliament was forced to levy taxes unfair to the American colonies.
In fact, as we shall see Then, Ben Franklin claimed that this was the real cause of the American Revolution. The majority of the founding fathers understood the potential dangers of the banking system and he was afraid of the accumulation of wealth and power on the part of bankers. Jefferson said
the caption text is transcribed informative purposes only (and it would be good to read while looking at the images broadcast on YouTube) very interesting because they believe the fundamental principles underlying the four arguments that make up the theme as a whole . Topics that are covered in a very concise and can trigger broader discussions. In particular, he found the video interesting for the content of the four chapters in which stato suddiviso molto sinteticamente l'argomento complessivo: 1) Origini degli Stati Uniti, e i padri fondatori che ne hanno redatto la Costituzione; 2) I cambiavalute; 3) L'Impero Romano; 4) Gli Orafi.
1) Stati Uniti
Quel che si deve capire è che dal giorno in cui la Costituzione fu adottata fino ad oggi, gli individui che traggono profitto dalle banche centrali private, i "cambiavalute", come Madison li chiamava, hanno combattuto una battaglia incessante, per ottenere il controllo su chi deve stampare il denaro americano.
Perchè chi stampa il denaro è così importante? Pensate al denaro come ad una qualunque altra merce. Se si ha il monopolio su una merce di cui everyone needs, everyone wants and nobody has enough, there are many ways to make a profit and also exert strong political influence.
is the real meaning of this battle. Throughout U.S. history, the power of money has gone back and forth between the Congress and a central bank in some way in private ownership.
The founding fathers knew the evils resulting from a privately owned central bank. First, they saw as the central bank English public, the Bank of England, the national debt had increased to such an extent that Parliament was forced to levy taxes unfair to the American colonies.
In fact, as we shall see Then, Ben Franklin claimed that this was the real cause of the American Revolution. The majority of the founding fathers understood the potential dangers of the banking system and he was afraid of the accumulation of wealth and power on the part of bankers. Jefferson said
"I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties of the enemy armies deployed. The issuing power should be subtracted from the banks and restored to the people, which rightly belongs. " (Thomas Jefferson)
This brief statement of Jefferson is actually the solution to all our economic problems today. It is worth repeating: "The issuing power should be subtracted from the banks and restored to the people, which rightly belongs." James Madison, the principal author of the Constitution, he agreed. It 's interesting that he defining those who were behind the plots of the central bank the "money changers". Madison strongly criticized their actions:
"The story goes that the money changers have used every form of abuse, conspiracy, deception and violence of every method possible to maintain their dominance over governments by controlling money and its issuance." (James Madison)
This brief statement of Jefferson is actually the solution to all our economic problems today. It is worth repeating: "The issuing power should be subtracted from the banks and restored to the people, which rightly belongs." James Madison, the principal author of the Constitution, he agreed. It 's interesting that he defining those who were behind the plots of the central bank the "money changers". Madison strongly criticized their actions:
"The story goes that the money changers have used every form of abuse, conspiracy, deception and violence of every method possible to maintain their dominance over governments by controlling money and its issuance." (James Madison)
The battle over who should issue our own currency was a crucial issue throughout the U.S. history. Wars have been fought and depressions have been caused to acquire this power. Yet, after the First World War, this battle was rarely mentioned in newspapers and history books. Why?
At the time of the First World War, foreign exchange, due to their dominant wealth, had seized most of the national press.
Throughout U.S. history the battle has raged over who should be empowered to issue our currency. This power is in fact passed from hand to hand for eight times since 1764. However, this fact has almost disappeared in the public eye for more than three generations behind a smoke screen generated in the media by the cheerleaders of the Fed
Until we stop talking about "deficits" and "government spending" and start talking about who controls the amount of money we have, we will always have a great game in front of three cards, an absolute scam. It will not matter whether to approve a constitutional amendment that places hard-mandated a balanced budget. Our situation will only worsen until they eradicate the root cause.
What is the solution to our national problem? First, the information. The video points to this. And, secondly, we must act, we must take back the power to issue our currency. The issue of our moneta non è una soluzione radicale, lo voglio sottolineare.
Quindi, riassumendo: nel 1913 il Congresso ha dato ad una banca centrale indipendente, denominata ingannevolmente Federal Reserve, un monopolio sull'emissione della moneta degli Stati Uniti e il debito generato da questa società quasi interamente di proprietà privata è ciò che sta uccidendo l'economia americana.
Anche se la Federal Reserve è oggi la più potente banca centrale del mondo, non è stata la prima. Da dove è venuta questa idea? Per comprendere veramente la vastità del problema, dobbiamo ritornare in Europa.
2) I Cambiavalute
Chi sono questi cambiavalute di cui parlava James Madison? In the Bible two thousand years ago, Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple and was the only time he used force during his ministry. What they were doing the money-changers in the temple?
When Jews came to Jerusalem to pay tax on time, they could pay only with a special coin, the half shekel of the sanctuary. It was a half ounce of pure silver, about this size.
At that time, was the only circulating coin made of pure silver and guaranteed weight and did not portray the image of a pagan emperor. So, for Jews, the half shekel was the only coin acceptable to God but there was plenty of that currency because the exchange if they had cornered the market and raised the price to the value that could support the market, just like any other commodity whatever.
In other words, the money-changers were making huge profits, because it had, in fact, a monopoly on the currency. The Jews had to pay whatever they demand. For Jesus, this completely violates the sanctity of the house of the Lord.
3) The Roman Empire
At the time of the First World War, foreign exchange, due to their dominant wealth, had seized most of the national press.
Throughout U.S. history the battle has raged over who should be empowered to issue our currency. This power is in fact passed from hand to hand for eight times since 1764. However, this fact has almost disappeared in the public eye for more than three generations behind a smoke screen generated in the media by the cheerleaders of the Fed
Until we stop talking about "deficits" and "government spending" and start talking about who controls the amount of money we have, we will always have a great game in front of three cards, an absolute scam. It will not matter whether to approve a constitutional amendment that places hard-mandated a balanced budget. Our situation will only worsen until they eradicate the root cause.
What is the solution to our national problem? First, the information. The video points to this. And, secondly, we must act, we must take back the power to issue our currency. The issue of our moneta non è una soluzione radicale, lo voglio sottolineare.
Quindi, riassumendo: nel 1913 il Congresso ha dato ad una banca centrale indipendente, denominata ingannevolmente Federal Reserve, un monopolio sull'emissione della moneta degli Stati Uniti e il debito generato da questa società quasi interamente di proprietà privata è ciò che sta uccidendo l'economia americana.
Anche se la Federal Reserve è oggi la più potente banca centrale del mondo, non è stata la prima. Da dove è venuta questa idea? Per comprendere veramente la vastità del problema, dobbiamo ritornare in Europa.
2) I Cambiavalute
Chi sono questi cambiavalute di cui parlava James Madison? In the Bible two thousand years ago, Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple and was the only time he used force during his ministry. What they were doing the money-changers in the temple?
When Jews came to Jerusalem to pay tax on time, they could pay only with a special coin, the half shekel of the sanctuary. It was a half ounce of pure silver, about this size.
At that time, was the only circulating coin made of pure silver and guaranteed weight and did not portray the image of a pagan emperor. So, for Jews, the half shekel was the only coin acceptable to God but there was plenty of that currency because the exchange if they had cornered the market and raised the price to the value that could support the market, just like any other commodity whatever.
In other words, the money-changers were making huge profits, because it had, in fact, a monopoly on the currency. The Jews had to pay whatever they demand. For Jesus, this completely violates the sanctity of the house of the Lord.
3) The Roman Empire
But the currency exchange scam did not originate at the time of Jesus . Already two centuries before Christ, Rome was having trouble with the exchange. Two ancient Roman emperors avevano provato a diminuire il loro potere riformando le leggi sull'usura e limitando la proprietà terriera a 500 acri. Essi furono entrambi assassinati. Nel 48 a.C. Giulio Cesare riprese il potere di coniazione della moneta dai cambiavalute e coniò monete per il bene di tutti.
Con questa nuova e abbondante offerta di denaro, Cesare costruì grandi opere pubbliche e riuscì a conquistare il cuore della popolazione. Ma i cambiavalute lo detestavano e alcuni ritengono che questo sia stato un elemento importante del suo assassinio. Una cosa è certa: la morte di Cesare segnò la fine dell'abbondanza di denaro a Roma. Aumentarono le tasse e la corruzione, come sta avvenendo oggi negli Stati Uniti, e l'usura e la svalutazione delle coins became a practice.
The result was that the money supply of the Roman Empire was reduced by 90% and the common people lost their land and their homes as soon happen in America. By the end of the abundance of money, the masses lost trust in the government and refused to support him. Rome then plunged into the darkness of the barbarian invasions.
4) The goldsmiths
Con questa nuova e abbondante offerta di denaro, Cesare costruì grandi opere pubbliche e riuscì a conquistare il cuore della popolazione. Ma i cambiavalute lo detestavano e alcuni ritengono che questo sia stato un elemento importante del suo assassinio. Una cosa è certa: la morte di Cesare segnò la fine dell'abbondanza di denaro a Roma. Aumentarono le tasse e la corruzione, come sta avvenendo oggi negli Stati Uniti, e l'usura e la svalutazione delle coins became a practice.
The result was that the money supply of the Roman Empire was reduced by 90% and the common people lost their land and their homes as soon happen in America. By the end of the abundance of money, the masses lost trust in the government and refused to support him. Rome then plunged into the darkness of the barbarian invasions.
4) The goldsmiths
A thousand years after Christ's death, the money-changers, those providing and manipulating the amount of money, were active in medieval England. In fact they were so active that by working together, they could manipulate the entire British economy. These were not bankers in the strict sense because, in general, the money-changers were the goldsmiths.
The goldsmiths became the first bankers because they started to guard the gold of the population in their safes. The first form of paper money was merely a receipt for the gold deposited with the goldsmith's shop. Paper money caught on because it was convenient to carry around than heavy amounts of gold and silver.
Eventually the goldsmiths noticed that only a small fraction of depositors at the same time returning to redeem their gold and began to cheat. In fact, the goldsmiths discovered that they could print more paper currency than gold custody and, usually, no one accorgeva.
Quindi poterono prestare questo denaro aggiuntivo e raccoglierne gli interessi. Fu la nascita del sistema a riserva frazionaria, ovvero il prestito di denaro in quantità molte volte superiori al valore dei depositi.
Così, se presso un orafo erano depositati mille dollari in oro, egli poteva prestare, con gli interessi, circa diecimila dollari in cartamoneta e nessuno avrebbe mai scoperto il raggiro.
The goldsmiths became the first bankers because they started to guard the gold of the population in their safes. The first form of paper money was merely a receipt for the gold deposited with the goldsmith's shop. Paper money caught on because it was convenient to carry around than heavy amounts of gold and silver.
Eventually the goldsmiths noticed that only a small fraction of depositors at the same time returning to redeem their gold and began to cheat. In fact, the goldsmiths discovered that they could print more paper currency than gold custody and, usually, no one accorgeva.
Quindi poterono prestare questo denaro aggiuntivo e raccoglierne gli interessi. Fu la nascita del sistema a riserva frazionaria, ovvero il prestito di denaro in quantità molte volte superiori al valore dei depositi.
Così, se presso un orafo erano depositati mille dollari in oro, egli poteva prestare, con gli interessi, circa diecimila dollari in cartamoneta e nessuno avrebbe mai scoperto il raggiro.
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