Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Myammee With No Clothing

Chocolate chip cookies

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells ...

.... Jingle all the way

.... Oh, what fun it is to ride

.... In a one horse open sleigh ... eh!

For a sweet Christmas cookies super chocolaty!

They are delicious!

I've simply decorated with a candied cherry or an almond ... you decorate as you like!

The basic recipe is the chocolate chip cookies parodies ... I have them glazed and decorated

Ingredients: 220 gr

. dark chocolate

110 gr. butter 2 eggs

100 gr.

sugar 220 gr. flour

half a bag of yeast

For decoration:

200 dark chocolate candied cherries


Melt the chocolate with the butter.

lightly beat eggs with sugar.
Add the mixture of chocolate and butter cool.

then the flour. the yeast and pinch of salt. Let the mixture stand
(very soft) in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Shape into balls and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Allow to cool.

Glaze with melted chocolate and decorate with candied cherries or dried fruit

Kisses and good evening to all from Saretta! nor do the good!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Aerocomm In Tullahoma Tennessee

marzipan chocolates

* To you who are the only friend who I want to have ..
The only love that I would ... if I had you with me
to you who made my life beautiful to die, that you can render the effort a great pleasure
you who are my great love and
my great love to you who took my life and I've done a lot more
you who have given meaning to time without measure
you who are my great love and my love for you have
, simply are, the substance of my days, the substance of my dreams ...
and to you who you are, simply are, companion of my days ... stuff of dreams ...

* piece taken from the song to you by Jovanotti

I think the most important thing in life is love ... find the right person, the other half of the apple, the other piece of heart ...

And when you have the good fortune to meet a fantastic person, that you feel full when you look .... well ... you have found happiness, true happiness.

to you that you're always in good times and bad times ..

to you that you can understand me at a glance ...
to you that I talk about family, true love and dreams to realize and share with me ...
to you that every day fills me with care ...
to you that you have taught me what it really means Love ..

Thanks my love.

Marco is more greedy than me (!!!).

I prepared these chocolates for our anniversary ... but in the end ... a thousand things to do, to organize, present, preparations for Christmas, etc ... well, I have forgotten them at home!

are finite in the mouth of my hungry daddy .... all right ... if you enjoyed appreciated!

I had advanced from marzipan recipe previous .... and then I thought to use it for some chocolates!

I used silicone molds of normal, comfortable.


150 grams of dark chocolate marzipan


Melt the dark chocolate. Brush the molds with the melted chocolate.

Put in refrigerator to solidify. resume, fill them with marzipan and brush surface with melted chocolate

Kisses and good day to all from Saretta! Let the good neither!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Laundry Room Ideas Blue Prints

Pretzels with olives

Great for a starter, how to break hunger, as they propose in the snacks ... ... are offering delicious Christmas dinner!

I recommend double dose because they always disappear in seconds!

Happy Saturday guys! Today the sun is shining on me .... well ... we hope!


150 grams of flour 00
60 g butter 1 tablespoon oil

oregano or other spices

100 grams of green olives

a pinch of salt (just because the olives are already salty!)


Drain the olives and chop them.

Mix the flour and butter into small pieces (soft), oil, spices and a pinch of salt

Mix well and form into balls crushed.

Arrange on baking paper and cook at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Kisses to all from Saretta! nor do the good!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Tumors More Condition_symptoms

Stars with marzipan tarts

These starlets have prepared for my colleagues mamy, I have asked some biscuit!

Given the imminent arrival of Christmas ... I decided to decorate for a party .... and to do that, I used marzipan ... I love ..

I prepared at home ... very easy and simple and can also be used to create decorations for cakes, muffins etc ...


300 grams of flour

200 g butter 170 g sugar

2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder

For the marzipan:

125 gr di farina di mandorle

125 gr di zucchero a velo

1 albume

qualche goccia di aroma mandorla

colorante giallo


Amalgamare burro e zucchero, farina, uova e lievito

Formate una palla e stendetela, ricavandone quindi dei biscotti con l'aiuto di una formina a forma di stella.

Metterli su carta forno ed infornare a 180 gr per 20 minuti.

Intanto prepariamo il marzapane semplicemente mescolando tutti gli ingredienti assieme e stendolo su un piano spolverato con zucchero a velo

paint the mask with a few drops of yellow food coloring.

Then cut out the stencil with the same stars from gingerbread cookies and glue them on.

If you have difficulties to stick, spread a very thin film of melted butter or jam before marzipan.

Kisses and good weekend to be snowy Saretta! let the good: P

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Retirement Announcement Samples


As you know, I'm doing various experiments ... these days I'm devoting my spare time (unfortunately it is always too little!), the preparation of Christmas sweets.

The chocolates have the quality to last for many days ... especially when we use to prepare the dried fruit, or however long shelf

To achieve these I was inspired to sweets with almonds: a single word ... delicious.

Happy Thursday everyone!


150 grams of peeled hazelnuts

60 grams of sugar

liqueur or 2 tablespoons milk or cream

100 gr dark chocolate to cover


Chop the hazelnuts (leaving aside some for decoration) with sugar

Add the liqueur and roll into balls. Let them stand for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.

Glaze with melted chocolate and decorate with a hazelnut

Kisses and good day everyone! I recommend you do the good!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Is Diabetes More Condition_symptoms

oil bigusto

... chocolate cream with no eggs!

Good ragazzuoli afternoon!

was a long time that I wanted to try the shortbread oil ... I did not think ... but I loved it.

I used a double-stuffing (just because I'm not greedy ...: P) mascarpone (or ricotta) and a chocolate cream eggs .... without the strategic good!

thanks to my mom that I got the molds for tartlets: -*


200 grams of flour 00

100 g sugar

60 ml of oil (I used seed)

1 uovo

1 cucchiaino di lievito per dolci

una bustina di vanillina (o vaniglia) o la buccia grattugiata di un limone

Per la crema:

250 ml di latte
60 gr di zucchero
25 gr di farina
65 gr di cioccolato fondente


200 gr di mascarpone o ricotta


Prepariamo la crema al cioccolato senza uova:

Scaldiamo il latte. Mescoliamo a parte la farina e lo zucchero.

Aggiungiamo a filo il latte tiepido e mettiamo sul fuoco fino ad ottenere una crema abbastanza dense.

off and add the chocolate pieces, stirring with a whisk by hand.

Prepare the pastry:

Mix the flour, baking powder, vanilla and sugar.
Combine oil and lightly beaten egg. Mix well.

Rest the pastry in the refrigerator 30 minutes.

resume and line the tart cutters, remember to leave the dough to form stripes on the tarts.

Fill the first with a teaspoon of mascarpone and then with a chocolate cream.

Bake at 180 degrees in the preheating oven for 15 minutes.

What buoneeee but Mulino Bianco;)!

Kisses and good day to all from Saretta! nor do the good!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hyper Tension More Condition_symptoms

what I've eaten a Bounty! :-P

Ricordo gli intervalli, quando andavo alle superiori.... macchinetta ---> bounty ! la cosa era automatica!!

Li adoro...forse perchè impazzisco sia per il cocco che per il cioccolato!

Questi che vi propongo sono uguali....o forse ancora più buoni di quelli originali!

Facili e veloci....attenzione perchè creano dipendenza!

...E non dite che non vi avevo avvertiti ;)

Buon fine settimana a tutti i lettori del Dolce mondo!


200 gr di cocco disidratato (o farina di cocco)
100 gr di panna da cucina (non quella da montare)
80 gr di zucchero

100 gr di cioccolato fondente o al latte per la copertura


Mescolare cocco, panna e zucchero.

Formare dei filoncini stile bounty e metterli 15 minuti in frigorifero.

Glassarli con il cioccolato fondente fuso!

Baci e buona giornata da Saretta! Given the good!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chicken Poxs More Condition_symptoms

Bounty Chocolate Almond Meringue Kisses

Happy Thursday!

Chocolate ... chocolate ... what I like! Are golosisssima!

I found this recipe for delicious chocolates and fast!


150 gr peeled almonds

4 tablespoons sugar

a tablespoon of milk or coffee or liqueur of your choice

100 grams of dark chocolate


chop the almonds and sugar.

add coffee and stir.

Form small balls and glazed with melted chocolate.

Did you see how simple? And I'm buonissssimi!

Instead of almonds you can use hazelnuts or other nuts to taste!

A big kiss and good day to all from Saretta! Let the good!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Computer Desk Blueprints

It 's almost Naaataaale .. and Bergamo cold Faaa ....:- Q

The meringues will keep very well .. so these small delights to come right in my bags of sweets Christmas!

Very good!

's raining here this morning ... and Saretta cooked so much! and in the afternoon .... around shops looking for some gift!

Good day to you all!


100 grams of egg whites (about 3)
200 g sugar 100 g chocolate


Beat the egg whites with half the sugar (100g) to form a solid compound, and fluffy

Stir gently with a spatula, the remaining sugar, stirring from bottom to top.

Put the mixture into a piping bag and train the meringue

Bake at 100 degrees for about an hour

Pair with the chocolate meringues

... and then gobble!

Kisses and good Saretta from December 8 to all! Let the good!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Steam Mop Consumer Reports

Christmas Lunch: cooking lessons from Pomegranate

And here's another surprise.

with Fabian and Patrick, excellent personal chef, we organized a cooking class on Christmas lunch.

We will propose five courses, with many, many recipes to amaze and delight your loved ones in the most beautiful day there!

A delicious lunch and refined, with recipes spectacular, but simple, then, to recreate at home!

The class will be held Thursday

16 dicembre, alle ore 18,00

e, in replica,

domenica 19 dicembre, alle ore 10,30

Per ogni informazione scrivete a

prenotatevi in fretta!

Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Build A Small Hut

Stars Cinnamon Muffins

Good afternoon everyone!

I'm rehearsing for sweets as gifts at Christmas: lots of biscuits, cakes, muffins and various! These

? voto 10! surely end up in little bags as gifts at Christmas along with many other sweets! To be repeated



250 grams of flour 2 egg yolks 00

140 g butter 115 g of sugar a tablespoon of cinnamon

two teaspoons of baking powder


Mix flour, egg yolks, sugar, cinnamon and baking powder. Combine the butter, very soft - but not melted-

Mix, form a ball

Roll out the dough and cut out so many stars.
Bake in pre heated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Dust with icing sugar.

crumbly, sweet smelling .... too good!

Kisses and good start all week from Saretta!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hydrogen Peroxide Gel On Penis

notice to mariners

Il 15 Dicembre scade il termine per inviare le vostre creazioni fi(n)ghissime per il contest di Natale!
Andate a leggervi il regolamento e poi...postate tante delizie! Faremo un PDF con tutte le vostre ricette, in tempo per organizzare il Pranzo di Natale!!
Vi aspetto!

Ogni sabato la Melagranata invia una newsletter con Menù e ricette. Se volete receive it, send your request and your email address to

Good Sunday!


Friday, December 3, 2010

Provisional Ohio Driver's License Renewal

ragazzuoli Good afternoon !!!!! that cold!! what do you think .... have a snack?

A double chocolate muffins for everyone! Recipe view "cooked and eaten" They're great and

cioccolatosisssssimi! try them!

nice weekend!

Makes about 12 muffins:

240 grams of flour 120 g sugar 300 g dark chocolate

a packet of yeast
100 grams of milk

100 g butter 2 egg yolks 4 egg whites

a pinch of salt


Dissolve 100 grams of chocolate with milk and butter.

Meanwhile chop the remaining chocolate. Add to the flour, sugar, yeast and pinch of salt.

lightly beat the egg yolks and add to chocolate mixture.

Stir the mixture of flour to the chocolate

Beat the egg whites and add, stirring gently from bottom to top

Put the mixture in to muffin cups and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Troooppo good!

Et voila! Cotto e. .. eating!

Kisses and good day to all from Saretta! do good!