Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Confidentialty Clause

Viaggio in Sicilia (eleventh part)

Vigliena or Piazza Quattro Canti: site
Palermo 1625: causes and origins of a ' unstoppable decline

continues the story of this fabulous trip to Sicily 30 years ago, now becomes a virtual pushed back in time because, in the seventeenth century. From the previous story journey to Sicily, tenth part, had included the main reasons, labor and taxes, and also Add to this, the healthier climate for which many people here had persuaded from taking from that trip to North Palermo, in most cases a one way trip. The culmination was Palermo, but from there many Lombard then expanded throughout the Sicily. And finally to leave their land of origin, direction Palermo, were not only Lombard Alto Lario (see post Emigrant Lake Como to Palermo ), but but also inhabitants of other cities, including the premiere, the number of immigrants present in Palermo, that exceeded 50% of total immigrants, the Genoese . And all went in search of better conditions of life, the ease with which it was once a decent job. Palermo, as written in the previous post on the series visit to Sicily, in those centuries XV, XVI and XVII was all smitten in changing the face of the ancient city. Quell'alacrità and fervor for the embellishment of the city, had the strordinario if we think that in Palermo, like Milan, and then to the north and south of Italy, English kings reigned for several centuries, and then the mind oversaw the fact that there was a place in better conditions of life over another, all dependent on the same thinking mind: it was a unique mind to govern the whole. And then, in the absence of other evidence, one might suppose Palermo, which at that time enjoyed the privileges or frachigie than in other parts of the Kingdom there existed.

The mysterious historical figure of our future story had returned to Palermo after 35 years from a previous stay, and found a city even more beautiful and renovated before. But looming over the city have a fatal destiny, which led to that inevitable decline of which perhaps still suffers.
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°° In 1615 in Palermo
"about one hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants there were at least a thousand residents of foreign merchants, including more than half, exactly 592 were Genoese . The Archbishop, Giannettino Doria, Genoa was to confirm the relationship exclusive relationship between the two cities.
Palermo was is elegant baroque, opulent and refined.
neofeudale The triumph of the oligarchy had solemnized the beginning of the new century with the opening of Via Maqueda, orthogonal to Cassaro: planning the operation was dictated by social motivations similar to those which had led to the opening of the road New in Genoa, but in this case, the fabric of the city was broken with the addition of a second directional axis. At the point of intersection with the Cassaro had formed the new ceremonial plaza 's Octagon, then called the Quattro Canti (photo).
The new four-part urban, literal implementation of municipal coat of arms bearing a cross that unites and separates the emblems of the four quarters, finds its symbolic representation in the vast apparatus of the square, adorned with statues of patron saints of the districts ( Oliva, Agatha Cristina, Ninfa ), the Kings of Spain ( Charles V, Philip II, and from 1621 Philip IV), and four seasons.
The symbolism of the system to cross was also a recognition of the role of the Church: the impulse to Palermo architectural triumphalism Counter had a leading role, while completing a task of social involvement. The great religious orders fervently promoted the decisive changes in the environmental framework, monopolizing the culture (particularly thanks to the Jesuits, who controlled higher education), investment property, the organization of guilds.
The nobility, which was enhanced by participating in the exploitation of feudal lands, converged on the capital for celebrare i fastosi riti del potere, attestandosi nelle grandi vie residenziali.
I coniugi Lomellini non potevano permettersi di vivere nei quartieri più eleganti, ma erano comunque in cerca di una sistemazione stabile; dopo i decenni trascorsi a Genova da una casa d'affitto all'altra, approfittarono dei prezzi più accessibili di Palermo per comprarsi un'abitazione dove trascorrere gli ultimi anni in tranquillità. Acquistarono dalla vedova Francesca Spinelli una "domus magna" - la registrazione è del 27 novembre 1615 - sita nell'antico quartiere arabo di Seralcadii , in " strada Pilerij ", a ridosso delle mura cittadine. Da allora, negli atti notarili (*) e il marito saranno defined "cives Panormo" citizens of Palermo.

(...) The arrival in Palermo in 1623, as the new viceroy, of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia , probably rekindled a climate of concern around the artist, as the Savoy - grandson and namesake of the famous "Iron Head" hero of the Battle of San Quintino - he was a younger son of the Infanta Caterina Micaela. If (*), to visit the illustrious pupil, had actually traveled to Turin , had met the Viceroy as a child. Emanuele Filiberto
was to convene in Palermo in the spring of 1624 the Flemish painter Anton Van Dyck, commission a portrait and a huge shovel Madonna del Rosario. Van Dyck was an artist now well established: a twenty-two, in 1621 had left Antwerp to make a study trip to Italy, stopping at Genoa the footsteps of his master Rubens, and becoming a portrait painter played. Surely he had heard of '(*) - also admired by Rubens - and he could see some of his works in collections Genoese patrons. After continued his tour with stops in Rome and Venice to get rich in contact with the masterpieces of Renaissance art, had responded to Viceroy of arriving at Palermo to get to work on the portrait (photo from Wikipedia)
His first request was to be able to meet (**).
The coming of Van Dyck coincided with the outbreak of a devastating plague : the first cases were recorded in May but were not taken serious action until June. The authorities, oblivious to the disastrous epidemic of 1575, prevarication, as the disease, taken lightly, was spreading dramatically.
The same visit Van Dyck at (*) on 12 July when there were already thirteen hundred in Palermo died of the plague, shows that were not suspended the rhythms of daily life in the city. Indeed, the painter, in the accurate description of the meeting in which a page of his notebook Italian, not even mention the tragedy that was decimating the population.
... The relationship between Van Dyck and l '(*) did not end in a single game, because the artist took the young man under his wing: "It was from that very kindly helped him in his needs and raised in some troubles that came upon him and gave him very little reason to stay in that island. "
In reality it was the resurgence of the plague to remove from the Flemish Sicily, died in August the Viceroy, his patron. (*) However, despite their weakened physical age, dodged the disease, which had remained free even in 1575. In quell'epidemia died about thirty thousand people, a quarter of the population to Palermo was the beginning of an inexorable decline. "

Note: the asterisk (*) has chosen to call the name of a character in "mysterious", whose name will be revealed in another post, in italics, transcription of the pages 225 and following of the book Daniela Pizzagalli, Mrs. painting - Rizzoli Editore.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Anniversary Getaways Calgary

In memory of Marcello

Nel contempo contiene anche un gioco di memoria.
Il video qui sotto è stato creato il 17 febbraio 2011 da marigliano1969 ; sei giorni dopo, il 23 febbraio, il compianto Sarcastycon alias Marcello ci ha resi orfani della sua presenza. Il video è quasi un omaggio postumo, perchè contiene parecchie sue vignette. Frammiste a tante altre, di altri blogger, potrete individuare quali siano le sue, facendo la comparazione col suo blog. Per me, che le conosco quasi tutte a memoria, è stata un'operazione abbastanza facile ed immediata, ma per chi non conosceva il suo blog satirico, e volesse anche engage in a kind of mnemonic exercise, I recommend watching the video and then check the corresponding cartoon this his blog: Sarcastycon .

Friday, February 25, 2011

Lime Desease More Condition_symptoms

Where Time stands still

Sarcastycon , aka Marcello, is no longer with us, now is where the time has stopped.

They gave me the sad news of his family, who are my most heartfelt condolences.
awaiting publication post a much more articulate about his figure and passionate cartoonist, but also a scholar of great culture - which has demonstrated through his other blog reports - these vignettes selected at random from its rich collection of images, that is deemed for all purposes a rich archive of the main developments that took place in Italian political life of the last five years.

------------------------------------------- --------------------

In memory of Marcello I published this post

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pain In Ball Of Foot More Condition_symptoms

costs / wastage of culture

I never copy and paste an entire other article, but this is Benfield so I copy it in full without changing a single comma. The copioincollo as it is, also to be able to send in my name to some friends of politicians who need all the "our" strong support. From the site

the bodybuilder

E 'right to pay "salary" five zeros to the interventions of the usual television guru culture / communication nostrana? To be even more explicit: it is correct, professionally and ethically, shell out, as did "Mamma Rai", 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) Euro Roberto Benigni Italy people to explain the meaning of Mameli Hymn? The figure

paid is frankly out of proportion to the efforts of even good actor / comedian, who - in a few obvious anti-government joke, very easy patriotic rhetoric and an obvious looting of Wikipedia - has entertained audiences for half an hour of the Ariston and the broadcaster. What

stride more lucrative engagement in Benigni and many actors / comedians like him, his heart and his wallet left much attention to his business, is their political morality, the "drawl" deplorable on cutting financial statements and attacks (right) to the culture, their attitude of "precarious" spirit.

Victims of facade in fact they continue to make best use of their advantageous position, made after years of erosion (from left) cultural hegemony, making skilful use of the television (public and private), the consent of the mainstream press, the inevitable political support ( left) and the gullibility of some right, psychologically prone to them.

E 'happened to Benigni, but it happens every night, for characters such as Dandini, Fazio, Saviano, the Cortellesi, Crozza, authentic point of the iceberg of a presence costly, invasive, economically disproportionate (to their real value) of hundreds of authentic "assisted" culture. In the list we put

– tanto per essere chiari – tutti quegli attori, registi, cantanti, affabulatori, opinionisti che, con ingaggi pesanti, dispensano cultura e faziosità, confondono ruolo civile e partigianeria, mischiando – come si dice – l’utile ed il dilettevole, a spese dell’erario, quindi di tutti gli italiani.

Da qui una proposta provocatoria. Sulla scia dell’inizitaiva del Ministro Brunetta, che ha pubblicato, sui siti della P.A., gli stipendi dei burocrati di Stato, perché non rendere trasparenti anche gli “ingaggi” dei guru della cultura nostrana ?

Sarebbe un’operazione trasparenza, questa sì di grande valore morale, nei confronti soprattutto citizens and taxpayers of all citizens and taxpayers (right and left) who are their real employers. And it might also be an opportunity to begin to "moderation" certain gigs, watching, with respect to Italy's precarious, wages and pensions to a minimum. Less rhetoric "social" short and a bit 'more authentic, real, sobriety, beginning with personal examples.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ontario Car Price Guide

Women of King Solomon

King Solomon's surrounded himself with many women, 700 to be precise, but nobody would have dreamed, nor would dare today to send him on trial because he had so many women, might otherwise to create an image of a further imbalanced what no one, of course, would dream of doing.
makes me laugh so that Berlusconi wants to prosecute, because they say or prove that he has brought to bed three women, also nice, and which then may also have made gifts.
had, what would be strange, would say somewhere in Italy!
is why the question makes me laugh (which is a boiata Fantozzi would say crazy), and Italy do more harm than good, because now the foreigners will laugh at us for that.

From the site: Solomon and his human love

"Now King Solomon, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh, loved many foreign women of Moab, the Ammonite, of Edom, of Sidonie, the Hittites, women belonging to the peoples of whom the Lord had said unto the children 's Israel: Do not go to them and they are not from you, because they pervert the course you follow your heart for them. To these women if one be in Solomon's love. And he had 700 wives, princesses, and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:1-3).

Lust Solomon grows massively in his life, in fact, the carnal pleasure takes over much genuine love. Repeatedly disobeys the law of God, because when the meat is free to act "is enmity against God, because it is not subject to the law of God, nor can it be," (Romans 8:7). Solomon, dominated by the power of the flesh, can not, therefore, acceptable to God, or express love for God, because "those who are in the flesh can not please God" (Romans 8:8).

This and other information about you can learn from the post of Nessie:
Ostellino to live in Russia, pardon the Corriere . But most of all by
link provided below to post this, invite you to listen to the intervention of the various guests of the event . It 's a link from which I learned the historical fact of the 700 women of King Solomon.
There is a character that would have exceeded King Solomon in the number of women had, Don Giovanni, homonymous opera by Mozart. In the air Madamin this is a list, here masterfully performed by Ferruccio Furlanetto in the part of Leporello, the Secretary handyman Don Giovanni lists the "unfortunate" Donna Elvira the number of women held by his master around Europe. Puts on notice that only in Spain already 1003, in Italy are already 640, 100 France , Turkey 91, and Almagno 231.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spots On Legs Tropical Diseases

Journey to Sicily (tenth)

Palermo, Piazza Pretoria, from Wikipedia

The visit I made to Palermo on 30 December 1980 until New Year's Day of 1981 would was far more compelling if at that time had already had more precise knowledge to what occurred in that city over the centuries XV, XVI, XVII: a great revolution and urban beautification of the city that had attracted skilled workers, especially architects, sculptors and painters, as well as bricklayers, carpenters and labor jointly by the villages of Lake Como ; people looking for work, too lacking in their homeland at that time. And so at that time was that famous immigration backwards from Lake Como to Palermo , during which many inhabitants of the Alto Lario moved, especially in Palermo, leaving them empty and deserted their villages in the mountains. Therefore no exaggeration to say that I believe at that time the mountain villages of the districts of Dongo, Gravedona e Gera divennero di fatto dei paesi fantasma. In virtù di quel lungo periodo migratorio possiamo anche ben dire che molti dei siciliani attuali hanno sicuramente antiche origini lombarde, perchè da Palermo detti immigrati sicuramente si espansero poi per tutta la regione, contribuendo anch'essi al forte incremento demografico sviluppatosi nell'Isola in quell'epoca. Quell'evento migratorio prolungato, e fatto su larga scala, in questo caso renderebbe plausibile la creazione di un gemellaggio tra le due regioni, Sicilia e Lombardia, o quantomeno tra le due province di Palermo e Como; istituzione che, in questo caso, sarebbe supportata da quegli antichi forti legami di sangue.

C'è un libro, La Signora della Painting (*), masterfully written by Daniela Pizzagalli, which annually publishes the biography of a great woman of those times, but then slowly falls into almost oblivion, which describes very well the period of Palermo we're telling. His descriptions are bombastic, just as was the case in the history of the early '500 Correggio . The description that makes Palermo's time is also so accurate that I just have to transcribe it in full, trusting that the author has tacitly to grant me permission to publish his next song.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

""Chissà se anche *, sbarcando a Palermo, sentì nell'aria quella fragranza di violette che il Falzello, nel suo De Rebus Siculis pubblicato nel 1558, assicurava deliziasse tutti i visitatori: un effetto del sale marino scaldato ai raggi del sole cocente.
Dal congestionato traffico del porto, sulle cui banchine si riversavano preziose merci da tutto il mondo, comprese di non essere arrivata in una languida periferia dell'impero, ma nel cuore del Mediterraneo, in un attivo centro di smistamento e di scambi animato da una società colta e raffinata.
Don Fabrizio de Moncada era probabilmente ad attenderla sul molo * and, over the embarrassment of the first meeting due to his outgoing character and experience in any code of conduct, let himself be guided, excited and curious to explore his new home.
The beautiful walled city stood a thousand layers: due to its strategic position sicani, eliminated, Greeks, Phoenicians had popular success that hill, perpendicular to the coastline, located in the inner part of a broad bay protected from the wind, where landings were facilitated by the presence of two streams, one to the north, Papireto, fed by numerous springs, the other to the south, Kemonia, torrential character.
The first great city walls, on top of Hill, Carthage and was dated to the sixth century BC The city was conquered by the Romans, Byzantines and Arabs, who made a capital in the tenth century. Palermo
In this role he had lived an intense and complex urban development, the old core on top of the hill, called by Arab al-Kasr, then the Cassaro, joined by other neighborhoods, built on the banks of two rivers. The emir was installed at the port, with four doors in the citadel Kalsa Cassaro but remained at the heart of the city with the "green marble" flanked by the buildings of the leading families and mosques, including the cathedral itself, transformed into a place of Islamic worship. With
the Norman conquest del'undicesimo century Cassaro was back to being the center of the town, with the royal palace of Altavilla and homes in the new feudal ruling class, while the port area was divided among the various communities of maritime merchants, "nations" of Amalfi, of Pisa, Genoa and also of foreign groups.
The reorganization of the defensive circuit, between the twelfth and the fourteenth century, had also incorporated a stable residential areas and more than Papireto Kemonia. With the conquest of southern Italy by the French Anjou, Palermo lost the role of capital in favor of Naples, recovering after the war of Vespers with the occupation of Aragon. Under the dynasty Aragonese in Sicily criteria were introduced to streamline administrative and processing building.
The English king Ferdinand of Aragon in 1482, according to the Palermo magistrate for permission to demolish the streets and squares for decoration and adornment of the city, at the beginning of the sixteenth century even enjoyment of the rebuilding of the walls according to the new technique ramparts and ditches.
In a city that lived near the Mediterranean all the military events in the years of greatest tension between the English and turkish empire, was to undergo a substantial renovation planning. The commitment to the renewal of the fortified walls predominated in the intentions of the various viceroys who succeeded, from Ferrante Gonzaga che poi, trasferito a Milano, avrebbe portato avanti lo stesso progetto.
La potente cinta bastionata, i cui lavori si sarebbero protratti fino a metà Seicento, avrebbe inglobato la Cittadella realizzata sull'antico Castello a Mare ( ), sconvolgendo l'assetto urbanistico. La funzione di piazzaforte comportava un adeguamento degli spazi pubblici e una diversa dislocazione delle sedi politiche e militari.
Il vicerè Giovanni de Vega a metà del Cinquecento installò la sua sede nell'antico palazzo reale normanno, attorno al quale fu creata una spianata, fiancheggiata dal nuovo quartiere militare spagnolo.
Sempre motivazioni the military in 1565 led the move Viceroy Garcia de Toledo to lay the foundations of a great port to the northwest, separated from the city, and in '67 to expand and correct the path of Cassaro, then prolonging it in a straight line to the Navy, with a substantial evisceration in the medieval.
It was so accomplished a flashy urban planning operation which, in close connection with the work of fortification, renewed as the central area of \u200b\u200bthe city, creating a longitudinal axis of communication in honor of the viceroy was called Via Toledo (
hours Corso Vittorio Emanuele ), which also ceremonial high representation, along which we arranged the squares with the major civic institutions and the most prestigious aristocratic and religious buildings.
In 1567 was opened the square named after the Bologna family, between the cathedral and the square of Pretoria, where, in turn, the municipal government renewed its head, paving the streets to turn on via Toledo in front of the Senatorial Palace.

The road straight, born with clear strategic requirements, remained dominant even when under the next Viceroy, Marcantonio Colonna, took office in '77, they became less pressing military needs: after the victory of Lepanto, in which the column had validly contributed to the Turkish threat seemed loose.
L'intera Sicilia viveva un periodo di prosperità. Se all'inizio del Cinquecento contava poco più di mezzo milione di abitanti, a metà del secolo era arrivata a ottocentomila: solo a Palermo, la popolazione era passata da venticinquemila a centomila anime.

L'assetto sociale cittadino presentava l'incontrastato dominio dell'élite nobiliare che, facendo parte del Parlamento, era costretta a risiedere nella capitale, rinsaldando così i legami tra Palermo e i feudi rurali disseminati in tutta l'isola. La classe baronale viveva con magnificenza, accumulando forti redditi dalle proprietà terriere, la cui produzione agricola era molto richiesta sui mercati internazionali.
The voice was the main export crop, but they were also strong growth in the culture of the vine, the mulberry, an important trade in raw silk, and almost as developed as sugar cane. I "trapetti" Sicily, that the manufactures in which the juice of boiled Cannamele to turn it into sugar, were the oldest in Europe, planted at the time of Arab rule, but was moving forward foreign competition, especially the Dutch, benefiting the labor of slaves in the colonies produced sugar rates.
The landed gentry had made lavish lifestyle city, multiplying festivals and celebrations, of which the Church triumphant post tridentine tended, as in the rest of Italy, to take the initiative and guidance, involving the entire population. The competitiveness with which the different nations and guilds of merchants built churches and chapels show the influence of ecclesiastical institutions in the life of the city. "

(*) The name of the Lady of the painting will be announced to coincide with the publication dedicated to the subject of another post.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ap Biology Lab 5 Answers

The pancake

On there are pancakes and maple syrup, the recipe Laurel Evans!
a wonder: soft, delicious, fragrant!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Who Does Myamme Hair?

The flight of intellectuals from the Fli

In view of the assembly's constitutive Fli new political subject, scheduled between February 11 and Sunday 13 tomorrow, has already provided several dropouts, as stated in Article reviewed by Eleanor, which is entitled fli-flops? . From the article, it seems that the greatest intentions to leave the Fli comes from the best minds of the party, the so-called intellectuals, whose flight would question their existence, so at least they would have presented last September. Without them, many voices said, Italy would be plunged into the abyss. They gave me the impression that the weapon Brancaleone was presented as a savior of the fatherland: without them there would be a flood. but that would not last long, as would demonstrate the cancellation of several intellectuals, the so-called talking heads seemed to have written at the time of foundation. It seems that even Donna Assunta is my opinion, if we read between the lines of what he said to the interviewer Giuseppe Cruciani in the program of Radio 24, the Mosquito, a few nights ago. The Fli
based its policy sull'antiberlusconismo whole, rather than on the real problems of the country, to bring to fruition (see also the following post: The playacting of Fli , On gullible dupes, Descent in the field of PM, and many others, which can be accessed typing the keyword you want in the white rectangle in the upper left corner), but since it's gone bad, the desire to get rid of Berlusconi on open several fronts, they invented the third pole, making it an actual subordinate to others in that its intellectuals slowly, do not agree, they are leaving on the sly.
On the other hand, I have always been wary of the great speakers, those from the brain elegantly witty ", and ended it embodies such a good character. He has a big-talking, as demonstrated in the video below, a mastery of our language spoken, but deep down I see very little of substance. The pinnacle of his oratory, the apotheosis, he touched in the movie by 10 minutes below, in which he promised to resign if it was discovered that the house of Monte Carlo was his brother. But his resignation has not yet given, and, as seems, if it looks good, will stay put until the end of term!
's strange that all others in the Fli, among intellectuals, however, if they are making aware, have not yet realized that they were operated to a desire for personal revenge against Berlusconi Fini! Strange how they manipulate the facts so well. At this point, I just have to admit that it would be a much better pre-election agreement with The Right of Storace. In a later post I will tell anecdotes referring to his land, Cassino. Urban legends tell that I felt when I went to that land in the '70s, on cunning, embezzlement, theft against the state, when Rome ruled the old DC, and was made the law on the transfer of resources from the state to municipalities in accordance with what was spent last year, plus a specified interest rate to cover inflation. It is against the law to the Fli on fiscal federalism. Even those urban legends, I have experienced directly, it could deduce why.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Va Premier Bariatric Surgery

fiscal federalism clearly explained

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Conjunctivitis More Condition_symptoms

The illusionists

If you talk to today who has signed on to demand the resignation of Berlusconi, and ask them a plausible justification and convincing because has signed, we will respond with the usual cliches, fries and stale, with those sentences to create art from various leaders of the left and right but nothing that comes out as something new from their brain. And I do the example of my town, where even here hath been signed, and with a lot of Gareb planted on the main square opposite the church, as if to hook up the faithful who went or came from the masses. But I was more than once that I no longer go to Mass, and I'm really not in that particular church, it tastes so much of that bell'antico that I like a lot, because I could only make access to the sacristy where the priest of 'Then, his goodness, had built a ramp for wheelchairs, che però è molto ripido e richiede forza, perizia ed attenzione per poter essere affrontato con una carrozzina manuale, e anche l'accompagnatore deve essere ben robusto, altrimenti da soli non ce la si può fare. Si da il caso che mia moglie non se la senta più di spingermi per quella ripida salita, e non sempre si può trovare un volontario pronto e disponibile per darti una mano. Per questo motivo sto rinunciando ad andare a messa. Ma c'è di più, da parecchio tempo il manto stradale del passo carraio dell'accesso alla sacrestia è dissestato; vi sono tali avvallamenti che, se presi alla sprovvista, con distrazione, senza cautele, possono provocare rovinosi rovesciamenti della sedia a rotelle. Il progetto per uno scivolo più suitable, allowing also the entrance to the church on the side where people come without problems, or the installation of the pavement of the driveway of the sacristy, seem to have been asked by the pastor since May 2009.
's the point: we have here is a left-wing administration, an administration whose members were now in the streets to demand the resignation of Berlusconi. Well, translating the affairs of this small town to national affairs, think that if Rome were to get a character from the left would improve things? I did not think and conclude that dall'accanimento well prepared to get rid of Berlusconi in any way, legitimate or not, as they are proving to be here in 17 years, instead of thinking about real problems. Seventeen charges, how many years that Berlusconi and the parliament, all dismounted, and unmount the Ruby case. Frankly, I am among those who have pockets full of this situation where one side wants to bring down Berlusconi by any means. And meanwhile the real problems are set aside, as the case of my town, where you come up with possible strategies to remain anchored to cadreghino, and we neglect the real problems. But despite this, things in Rome you do, contrary to what they want to believe in the various Bersani, Fini and Casini, that if they invent all, the same way as illusionists, but to denigrate Berlusconi per impossessarsi loro del potere, anche per vie non propriamente democratiche.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I- Catcher Console- Web Monitor

Italy wasteful

Se a dirlo è stato Luca Ricolfi (*) , sociologo e professore ordinario presso l’Università di Torino, e nessuno dei presenti al programma Porta a Porta di ieri sera ha smentito il dato (nemmeno quelli di sinistra del PD e dell'IDV) allora è vero: le varie amministrazioni centrali e periferiche dello Stato italiano sprecano ogni anno 80 miliardi di euro in spese considerate inutili , superflue o fatte a cuor leggero. Spese e sprechi che, se evitati, risparmierebbero allo Stato italiano tre finanziarie da lacrime e sangue, consentendogli per lo meno di pagare gli abnormi interessi debt as abnormal. It makes me wonder then that the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano rejected by the municipal decree on federalism, declaring it "inadmissible"
(here the news) .
(*) Luca Ricolfi , supporters of the Left, is, among other things, the author of a ponderous essay on the Left: Why we dislike? .
About squander his friend Al sent me this joke that the public at his request, but do not take responsibility about the content.

A company must hire an employee.
The two managers responsible for selection, they ask what kind of questions put to candidates.
- I'd do a little question easy just to put them at ease!
- Okay ... they will count up to 10!

comes the first candidate. And the examiner :
- We count to 10, please.
- Two ... four ... you are ... eight ...
- But no ... with all the numbers!
- You know, I'm the postman, and I side of the even numbers, those are only for me now!
- Okay ... goes well!

comes the second candidate.
- I count to 10, please.
- One ... three ... five ... seven ...
- But no ... with all the numbers!
- Sa ... are connected to one before, only I do the other side of the road, and that of odd for me now exist only ones!
- Okay, go.

comes the third candidate.
- By chance she is also the postman?
- No, God forbid ... I work in town!
- Oooh, thank goodness ... We then accounts for up to 10 please!
- ace two three four five six seven horse and servant king!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vitantonio Waffle Iron

TV license: pay or not pay?

Below is the YouTube video of the interview to escort Nadia Macri, aired in the episode of Year Zero on January 20, 2011. To me it just watch this clip to realize many inconsistencies, which is supported only by ephemeral evidence mounts. And listening to the words of the interviewee I formed the opinion that the program host and interviewer have been made to the great bamboozle, or are the most gullible.
I have not done, but for those who were willing, again on YouTube are probably the interviews of 27 January.
course I pay the TV license fee for dealing with such programs, it is absurd . On the eve of the deadline without penalty useful, therefore I wonder whether it is appropriate or not to pay it. I should do as the mayor of Liss, in an interview published on Citizen Saturday a few ago, had said that perhaps he does not pay the fee, and does not intend to pay, just for the many programs that you find in the trash state television. And then, he said in the interview, why pay the fee Rai?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jewel D Nyle Last Movie

of not having nothing else to think about

The post is the comment left on the blog of Eleonora Article Mistrust in Bondi. About
collapse of buildings, there are also those built just collapsing.
I was a seller at the time of the early '80s, and a Monday morning in spring or early summer, while traveling on the road from Velate (Monza Brianza) leads to Usmate (which is a single common: Usmate-Veiled), I was shaken by a terrifying roar: the collapsed roof of the Sports Palace, which opened a few days earlier. Fortunately no one was under at that time.
is close to Arcore, Berlusconi was still far from thinking to go into politics. In those countries dominated the then DC, backed by others, and those who were in Rome in those years do not remember. However, there was no pandemonium nor requests for resignation by chicchesia.
And then, as it turned, and the four aggregates more than 100 of those all at home, which apparently do not seem peaks of intellectuals - I have indeed been shown to have a good dose of stupidity - are great party animals, who take advantage of certain events to attract public attention by the party at the expense of harassed citizens, knowing that most of them are gullible fools that drink them all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

*-catcher Console-web Monitor

Theory of blackmail and blackmail

Looking back on two comments Johnny doe this:
- But it will be normal to say that the Bagnasco am exaggerating?
And all the other politicians do?
there no abnormal Rendan account of this power? Or are they all
who wrote a comment on my post: Judges, Free and La7 ,
and such, a little more clear, written commentary on post tapping, but what cost us! :
With the judiciary that we find ourselves today for most interceptions are a weapon of blackmail, no one knows how and where to listen, and this does nothing but increase the power of this clique.
What do we know what they have in hand, even when it's convenient to use. Others who read it would take!
I do not trust these people, too many were the occasions of seeing how they use this incredible power partisanship -
- in the meantime I received this joke on the part of his Al that the public willingly.
Beware of the link, and that you draw your own.
The Italians for the creation
It is said that when God created the world, that men thrive, decided to grant them two virtues .... And he did.
- The Swiss had them ordered and law-abiding.
- The British scholars and persevering.
- The Japanese workers and patients.
- The French educated and refined.
- The English cheerful and welcoming. When he arrived
Italians turned to the angel who took notes and said
"The Italians will be intelligent, honest and communists. "
When finished with the creation of the angel said:
" Lord you have given to all peoples under two but three Italians, this will cause will prevail over all others. "
" Damn ! It 's true! But the divine virtues can no longer be removed, that the Italians have three virtues! But it is well understood that any person can not have more than two together. "
- The Italian Communist and who is honest, can not be intelligent.
- He who is intelligent and a communist, can not be honest.
- And what is intelligent and honest can not be communist.
Also be careful with the following note, written by the joke:

I think, as seems more than obvious and evident, the joke is not addressed at all, just the thought of all those politically, but to all those clever senzaltro and crafty.
And here is just fine, and then propose again, the monologue Giorgio Gaber on "Someone was Communist (always from the blog of John R. ).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thumb Pain More Condition_symptoms

Judges, Free and La7

This post is copiaincolla, revised and with additions, made the comment to post tapping, but what cost us! , Nessie.

... because the judges have the power to decide on everything, and never pay for their mistakes. There are also the judges who make mistakes, and more. As those of us informed with the news everyday, and there, or if there are any! And if you say it was also Famiglia Cristiana, a number of months ago (which I kept for future reference), this means that the flaws were really big, especially considering that, at least from what I know reading the headlines, it seems to me that Famiglia Cristiana has Berlusconi against malicious eyes, while with others it is enough feel-good and forgiving. In short, after reading the journal of the "distractions and shortcomings" of certain judges, and after reading the article on Free Filippo Facci of 14.01.2011 (of which one part is reviewed by Nessie), personally claim that judges were elected by the people at least at intervals of 4 or 5 years maximum, so the less educated of them would expelled by the people who had elected them. Look at how much money we spend doing standard for wiretaps useless! But none of the opposition he tore his clothes for this reason : I am only able to protest and push for people to protest the cuts in public spending! This morning I heard another leading figure in music, who complained about the cuts to culture: fellow!
And meanwhile I heard on the radio this morning that Berlusconi telephoned last night to Gad Lerner (an alter bun for CAJ), sending him to hell. Here recording of the call. To the comment later. But one thing I want to tell those of Telecom Italy Media, owner of La7: "if avessi ancora vostre azioni, le venderei al volo. Liberatevi di gente faziosa come questa, e il vostro titolo, per quel che ne so io, riprenderebbe il volo!".

Berlusconi insulta Lerner: incredibile postribolo televisivo
Caricato da TMNews . - Video notizie dal mondo.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christian Chord Charts

Cooking Lessons with American Laurel Evans

Laurel Evans in Genoa with his ... American Lessons!

Laurel Evans, rientratada just a holiday in the U.S., will come to Genoa for a weekend of American cuisine.
Two lectures, one on Saturday 5 and Sunday, February 6: Learn how to bake delicious cakes, pies fantastic banana bread, pie, crumble, and quant'altro!

Qui a casa Melagranata c'è una trepidante aria d'attesa. E voi, che aspettate? I posti sono limitati!

Potete ricevere informazioni, mandando una mail a

melagranata @ gmail . com

Vi aspettiamo!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Canadian Model Ashleigh Erwood

The playacting of Fli

C'è un altro personaggio del Fli che, nel Porta a Porta di ieri sera, mi ha profondamente deluso: Mario Baldassarri . E pensare che fino a qualche settimana fa lo reputavo comunque una persona degna di stima, anche se ha aderito a quel pseudo partito of fli. Last night he was attacked at the usual old story that Berlusconi did nothing in those two and a half years of government. After that statement, given the low esteem that still fell completely: where is he, where he has lived in these two and a half years, when Berlusconi had pledged to take out the rubbish from Naples? Which would have to think about someone else. It was when Berlusconi was committed by the earthquakes of the Eagle? And where was he when Berlusconi was involved in all those battles that is fighting to change the face of Italy? That part of Italy where there were those who had perched in defense of old-established privileges (see baronies school)? In my order of evaluation, Baldassarri fell to four of the other party of its movement I have described in previous post . And, not to repeat myself because I have repeatedly written to the other four, I close here: is merely a recollection of climbing mirror those of the members of that pseudo party. In my standard vivacchiare to them, breaking the boxes to the government and the people who feels compelled to endure their presence unnecessary, and should be in those programs, thereby exposing the eyes of these men, the ridicolaggio of certain claims. They must, however, in spite of themselves, justify to the people of that part of voters who are doing something, and then the cost of their presence is not in vain. Without those appearances would not be able to prove anything at all, and none of what we are doing in Parliament, and for what they get paid. They are a classic case of those who are neither fish nor fowl. They have learned to tune my memory that the above, if mutual exchange and whenever any of them has to go to some of those TV shows. According to my opinion, they would rather avoid going there, to avoid exposing themselves to certain allegations without ridicolaggio to construct that must inevitably do. So go, do some cabal, saying the chopped speech that Berlusconi did nothing in these two and a half years, and the game is made for them, if they come home nice and good to have made fully convinced of their self-imposed duty of saviors of the country. The real truth is that in that motion I had the impression that they have become pure of all good mountaineers / climbers mirrors. And is now the fifth person who touches me sip; unless, in circumstances where someone of that movement is not changing the channel to not spoil the evening, having to listen to raving statements.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cervical Mucus Before Your Period

I remind you that ..

Vi ricordo che io non sono più qui

ma nel nuovo blog qui

Liver Spots More Condition_symptoms

The origins of bank notes and I do not

Note: video and images related to the post have been created, reproduced and published on this site by Friends Aquaeductus .
Below are transcribed captions of the following recording, owned by auroramarcoaurora (click at left to access the YouTube video). The original registration, in English, translated and captioned by the legitimate owners of the video is 16 March 2008. At that time he was in the midst of the storm caused by the bursting of the bubble on subprime mortgages, but the topic covered in the video is always full and topical.
If the owners of the video, AURORA, do not accept the full deployment of their videos and found some violation of copyright law , Please communicate the order to delete the text from the Internet.
the caption text is transcribed informative purposes only (and it would be good to read while looking at the images broadcast on YouTube) very interesting because they believe the fundamental principles underlying the four arguments that make up the theme as a whole . Topics that are covered in a very concise and can trigger broader discussions. In particular, he found the video interesting for the content of the four chapters in which stato suddiviso molto sinteticamente l'argomento complessivo: 1) Origini degli Stati Uniti, e i padri fondatori che ne hanno redatto la Costituzione; 2) I cambiavalute; 3) L'Impero Romano; 4) Gli Orafi.

1) Stati Uniti

Quel che si deve capire è che dal giorno in cui la Costituzione fu adottata fino ad oggi, gli individui che traggono profitto dalle banche centrali private, i "cambiavalute", come Madison li chiamava, hanno combattuto una battaglia incessante, per ottenere il controllo su chi deve stampare il denaro americano.
Perchè chi stampa il denaro è così importante? Pensate al denaro come ad una qualunque altra merce. Se si ha il monopolio su una merce di cui everyone needs, everyone wants and nobody has enough, there are many ways to make a profit and also exert strong political influence.
is the real meaning of this battle. Throughout U.S. history, the power of money has gone back and forth between the Congress and a central bank in some way in private ownership.
The founding fathers knew the evils resulting from a privately owned central bank. First, they saw as the central bank English public, the Bank of England, the national debt had increased to such an extent that Parliament was forced to levy taxes unfair to the American colonies.
In fact, as we shall see Then, Ben Franklin claimed that this was the real cause of the American Revolution. The majority of the founding fathers understood the potential dangers of the banking system and he was afraid of the accumulation of wealth and power on the part of bankers. Jefferson said
"I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties of the enemy armies deployed. The issuing power should be subtracted from the banks and restored to the people, which rightly belongs. " (Thomas Jefferson)

This brief statement of Jefferson is actually the solution to all our economic problems today. It is worth repeating: "The issuing power should be subtracted from the banks and restored to the people, which rightly belongs." James Madison, the principal author of the Constitution, he agreed. It 's interesting that he defining those who were behind the plots of the central bank the "money changers". Madison strongly criticized their actions:

"The story goes that the money changers have used every form of abuse, conspiracy, deception and violence of every method possible to maintain their dominance over governments by controlling money and its issuance." (James Madison)
The battle over who should issue our own currency was a crucial issue throughout the U.S. history. Wars have been fought and depressions have been caused to acquire this power. Yet, after the First World War, this battle was rarely mentioned in newspapers and history books. Why?
At the time of the First World War, foreign exchange, due to their dominant wealth, had seized most of the national press.
Throughout U.S. history the battle has raged over who should be empowered to issue our currency. This power is in fact passed from hand to hand for eight times since 1764. However, this fact has almost disappeared in the public eye for more than three generations behind a smoke screen generated in the media by the cheerleaders of the Fed
Until we stop talking about "deficits" and "government spending" and start talking about who controls the amount of money we have, we will always have a great game in front of three cards, an absolute scam. It will not matter whether to approve a constitutional amendment that places hard-mandated a balanced budget. Our situation will only worsen until they eradicate the root cause.
What is the solution to our national problem? First, the information. The video points to this. And, secondly, we must act, we must take back the power to issue our currency. The issue of our moneta non è una soluzione radicale, lo voglio sottolineare.
Quindi, riassumendo: nel 1913 il Congresso ha dato ad una banca centrale indipendente, denominata ingannevolmente Federal Reserve, un monopolio sull'emissione della moneta degli Stati Uniti e il debito generato da questa società quasi interamente di proprietà privata è ciò che sta uccidendo l'economia americana.
Anche se la Federal Reserve è oggi la più potente banca centrale del mondo, non è stata la prima. Da dove è venuta questa idea? Per comprendere veramente la vastità del problema, dobbiamo ritornare in Europa.

2) I Cambiavalute

Chi sono questi cambiavalute di cui parlava James Madison? In the Bible two thousand years ago, Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple and was the only time he used force during his ministry. What they were doing the money-changers in the temple?
When Jews came to Jerusalem to pay tax on time, they could pay only with a special coin, the half shekel of the sanctuary. It was a half ounce of pure silver, about this size.
At that time, was the only circulating coin made of pure silver and guaranteed weight and did not portray the image of a pagan emperor. So, for Jews, the half shekel was the only coin acceptable to God but there was plenty of that currency because the exchange if they had cornered the market and raised the price to the value that could support the market, just like any other commodity whatever.
In other words, the money-changers were making huge profits, because it had, in fact, a monopoly on the currency. The Jews had to pay whatever they demand. For Jesus, this completely violates the sanctity of the house of the Lord.

3) The Roman Empire
But the currency exchange scam did not originate at the time of Jesus . Already two centuries before Christ, Rome was having trouble with the exchange. Two ancient Roman emperors avevano provato a diminuire il loro potere riformando le leggi sull'usura e limitando la proprietà terriera a 500 acri. Essi furono entrambi assassinati. Nel 48 a.C. Giulio Cesare riprese il potere di coniazione della moneta dai cambiavalute e coniò monete per il bene di tutti.
Con questa nuova e abbondante offerta di denaro, Cesare costruì grandi opere pubbliche e riuscì a conquistare il cuore della popolazione. Ma i cambiavalute lo detestavano e alcuni ritengono che questo sia stato un elemento importante del suo assassinio. Una cosa è certa: la morte di Cesare segnò la fine dell'abbondanza di denaro a Roma. Aumentarono le tasse e la corruzione, come sta avvenendo oggi negli Stati Uniti, e l'usura e la svalutazione delle coins became a practice.
The result was that the money supply of the Roman Empire was reduced by 90% and the common people lost their land and their homes as soon happen in America. By the end of the abundance of money, the masses lost trust in the government and refused to support him. Rome then plunged into the darkness of the barbarian invasions.

4) The goldsmiths
A thousand years after Christ's death, the money-changers, those providing and manipulating the amount of money, were active in medieval England. In fact they were so active that by working together, they could manipulate the entire British economy. These were not bankers in the strict sense because, in general, the money-changers were the goldsmiths.
The goldsmiths became the first bankers because they started to guard the gold of the population in their safes. The first form of paper money was merely a receipt for the gold deposited with the goldsmith's shop. Paper money caught on because it was convenient to carry around than heavy amounts of gold and silver.
Eventually the goldsmiths noticed that only a small fraction of depositors at the same time returning to redeem their gold and began to cheat. In fact, the goldsmiths discovered that they could print more paper currency than gold custody and, usually, no one accorgeva.
Quindi poterono prestare questo denaro aggiuntivo e raccoglierne gli interessi. Fu la nascita del sistema a riserva frazionaria, ovvero il prestito di denaro in quantità molte volte superiori al valore dei depositi.
Così, se presso un orafo erano depositati mille dollari in oro, egli poteva prestare, con gli interessi, circa diecimila dollari in cartamoneta e nessuno avrebbe mai scoperto il raggiro.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Catcher Console- Web Monitor

meaning of the Christian Family

A proposito di fabbrica delle risate, che ben vengano, se esse fanno bene alla salute, come ho scritto nel post Yoga della risata , ma se a condurre uno spettacolo di risate vi è una conduttrice che si proclama Communist and then goes to collect € 65,000 per episode to lead, there's something I do not square.
It is primarily a non-square behavior of the evangelical magazine Famiglia Cristiana , which is always in the forefront when it comes to scold the groom or , and the League in particular, why not do the miracles, but then says nothing about the employment of super Paola Cortellesi afforded it to conduct Zelig. Strange, very strange behavior of this magazine, which always has special eyes turned to the homeless, the Roma living in caravans, the poor, caring for each other, brotherhood, of the offers to do for various good works, inter-religious peace, and so on. My wife has subscribed to that magazine, and appears not to be able to do without, mainly because of that extension dedicated to the heartbreaking letters. Poor thing even my wife. He does not know that behind those desks are fine professionals should evaluate, correct, taxes, etc.. all he has to go to press? I myself wrote in the past to the editor, but there was never any outcome. I remember in particular that he had written them because they did review the book Daniela Pizzagalli Gambara Mrs. Veronica poetry , just released, and as soon as I read it, but nothing like you have written in the wind. It 's a magazine really strange time ago in a sarcastic comment to ycon Famiglia Cristiana wrote that he would never reviewed Andrea Vitali , because in every episode from the novel always inserts erotic sexual component (this is the case with novels A window overlooking the lake, The Secret of Ortel, including Olive, etc.), however, just before Christmas, they published an interview with the medical writer Bellano (which I have a lot in all these posts Treaty ), in which also spoke of his new edition completely revised, again set in 30s, but readjusted with an eye turned to current events (see issue relating to Fiat), the novel Mechanic Landru.

As mentioned above, and as far as I'm concerned, I find it very strange to the magazine, recently full of compromises and so-called leap of quail. The case of the high compensation to Paola Cortellesi, for example, to vicend and similar in the past had cried foul, tore his clothes off in this case, nothing. But there's more: No 2 of 9 January 2011 dedicated its cover to the couple Bisio - Cortellesi, and on page 66 there is a service on the new edition of Zelig, in which parlano della coppia. Ma del compenso alla Cortellesi, che per altri casi sarebbe stato citato come un enorme scandalo, neanche un accenno.

Rivista strana, quindi, come dicevo, alla quale siamo abbonati per una questione di tradizione pluri decennale, ma della quale farei volentieri a meno perchè la trovo piena di tutti quei bei discorsi retorici.

Fleetwood Scorpion For Sale

On gullible dupes

Avevo già letto uno stralcio della notizia dal giornale La Stampa del 5 gennaio, e ieri ho avuta la conferma di una notizia similare dal giornale online della Lega Nord, Sezione di Nova Milanese .Titolo di quest'ultimo: Sicilia, polemiche contro il bando per 8400 stagisti.

Premesso che mia moglie è siciliana, che ho amici siciliani dove vivo e giù in Sicilia, non posso essere sospettato di avere alcunchè contro i siciliani, nè tanto meno, quel che verrebbe da sospettare per uno che vive in Lombardia, che nutra sentimenti di qualunque genere.

Veniamo ai fatti
Il giorno 5 leggo sul Giornale di quelle 144.147 persone stipendiate dalla Regione Sicilia. Poi leggo di quei 8400 nuovi precari che dovrebbero essere assunti dalla stessa; e mi chiedo per far che cosa, dal momento che c'è già uno strabordante esubero. Poi leggo il caso di quella dirigente regionale costretta a vivere a fianco di quell'ex carcerato che anni fa le aveva scippato la borsetta, il quale è stato assunto come precario e messo nel suo ufficio per svolgere mansioni of spostacarte, messenger and so on. I, like many other bloggers, the news has not done much pleasure, because of the unnecessary destruction of public money, but was glad to hear that the regional law is passed with a favorable vote of Fli, the party's future and freedom. And this, just to point out about what the future and what freedom is based on work ahead to the future and freedom by finioti: solving problems, making burden on the shoulders of others. E 'today because the news broadcast by Radio Padania in the course of the normal Press , that civil servants as a cost impact on each resident of their region, for 21 € a year the inhabitants of Lombardy, 21 € per year for residents of the Veneto region, and 320 euro per year for the inhabitants of Sicily and over 2000 € a year for each inhabitant of the Val d'Aosta, and so on. It goes without saying that we all know from where the € 320 a year burden on the shoulders of every inhabitant of Sicily (including infants and older) and where they came from more than 2000 € per year for each civil servant salary from the region of Val 'Aosta, which rests on the shoulders of each Valle d'Aosta. Returning to the fact
Sicilian, and that the regional law is passed by a vote in favor of Fli, just to disappoint any fans of that party Fli, we call this group of bloggers that the party party Pied Piper of fli-fli, fli-fli, and to this end we have written an avalanche of post, including my own ( Case Fini textbook case), which also project to propose an amendment to the Constitution which is prevented MPs of any political party of betraying so shamelessly and in a manner so blatant and arrogant its electorate, as Fini and his companions have done (I challenge any elector of the PDL to give logical and convincing explanations of what happened. I challenge them to practice in say what they wanted and that they had those intentions).

But about gullible dupes, is yesterday's news, confirmed this morning in review Print of Radio Padania, which Cortellesi Paola, who has always proclaimed himself a communist, went to Channel 5 in the transmission Zelig, and will be paid to € 65,000 per episode. As if to say: heart left, but right portfolio.
O gullible dupes, down from the tree!
are pathetic, and I personally do straridere all those people (which I consider jester) who spit in the pot where they eat! Indeed, there is the case that both Channel 5 Mediaset, Fininvest therefore, indirectly the then Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, which has always seen as a smoke screen all the Communists.
Long live the consistency of behavior! Berlusconi is too good. It was me, I'd really purge all those shady characters and false (and then there are some who believe bamba autovicinanza those proclamations of the Left parties. Yes, my heart left, but the portfolio right!. And Then someone points out that Berlusconi as a dictator / tyrant! arcistufo Personally I am of all the nonsense and falsehoods. Ultrapatetici ultraipocriti and even these actors / singers fake leftists.
Apart from the fact that it is indecent as well as give you a punch in the face of the poor, to € 65,000 per episode to anyone, to conduct a program. Paola Cortellesi, Montessori, the community, deserve a trip of whistles, with the launch of rotten eggs, do not just go up on the stage of Zelig Teatro Arcimboldi in Milan.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Toshiba Smdr And Hyperterminal

Case Fini, case by Manual

sharing in the full content of the post of Sarcastycon: Epitaph Prophetic , I sign Fini added that I was revealed as the worst politician of the last fifty years. Those left were at least consistent with their ideology, and I have never witnessed in this period a betrayal so striking: the extreme right to the extreme left, so casually, as if nothing had happened.



updating at 16

Here, two post the contents of which I fully agree. The first, written half an hour ago from Tommaso Pellegrino , talks about how he has taken few pebble in the shoe. The second, Caravaggio, although it is written by 23 days now, I still find amazing freshness, as if it were written yesterday, so much disgust that I, too, like the author, feel for the man spoken of in my post. In fact, to paraphrase a title of Primo Levi, the author of the post thus entitled If this is a man . In this second post is a YouTube video, which lasts about a minute, I invite you to look you will hear the voice of a man as a stick, while announcing the result of the vote there was that day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tmj More Condition_symptoms

Christmas 2000

Do not be surprised the title in a row, after a list of sayings and proverbs in Milan, there is a thought of what is already in the year 2000, said the articles designer. E 'written in Milanese dialect, and is included in the message of good wishes with which a printing of the calendar year presented to its customers change. The calendar - and that's why the spiegatomi still intact and has retained in its original envelope - containing reproductions of photographs of old Milan, from the time the invention of photography, also contains these famous sayings and proverbs, all in strict dialect Milan. It transcribe some of the best known, however, the meaning of which I think is understandable to many of my readers:
- Vegni giò of the plant
- Grass rost de
- Gh'è pocca de sfòja verz
- Anda giò Piatt
- Oli de gombet
- The string de Gio is
- ofelei fà'l tò sad
- Var pussee On I went, that andemm
cent - work on de GESA Vaver
- Var pussee the lappa that hoe
- Heel-on el Capell
- Mesterasc ... danerasc
- He ate the foeuja
- me from the FAA on ...!
- What a report!
- The Taja is on and medega
- The rule in the ten pee el convent

and many others an explanation.

For those unfamiliar with the Milanese dialect, and then he wanted the translation, I am available to provide.

And here's to accompany this little thought.

Semm 'DREE viv on the temp of doe in all of it "designer." Gh'è even in taccoin el de doe see if "everything" while that of the mes.
Num voeurom ago ona good stuff for the Milanese nassuu Hinn Hinn who or shore.
The taccoin I printed it on to Graphic Arts Marketpress and that's what makes a ghe voeur because besides vedè manera ciara in the day that passes, El Da ona resentada the bell noster dialect that disemela ciara, emm mettuu on the part of poo too.
The photo is a reproduction property of the Company Antique French - Sale of Prints and Antique Engravings

related posts: Library Meravigli Milan: all in Milanese dialect

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Aids And Hiv More Condition_symptoms

Ambrose Sparagna the Parco della Musica

Auditorium Parco della Musica, seen from the roof: from the site Auditorium / Urban

Rai1 television program "Morning in the Family" have now interviewed Ambrose Sparagna . Him and his group of folk song I had already talked about in this post , when, in those early days of 2009, presented his show in Rome in the 'Auditorium Parco della Musica and Antonio Socci had spoken in glowing terms in his regular news. As with
years at Christmas, the musical event will be repeated during this holiday season, and will be an excellent opportunity, especially for tourists who invade the capital, this bridge of the Epiphany, to enjoy a fun breakout, making a dip in past, even very remote. During the broadcast, the trio demonstration, directed by Sparagna organ, gave a demonstration of what will be the show at the Auditorium, performing a classical repertoire of the Tarantella of Love.

tarantella The above was posted to YouTube from the site "Pioggiasporca 2010" and is taken from line TG3 Night 8 / 1 / 2010. It 's a demonstration similar to that carried out this morning, except for members of the group of musical accompaniment in this recording is complete. Answering questions of Tiberius Timperi and Miriam Leone, then wanted Sparagna clear that the is certainly Neapolitan Tarantella, while Pinch is certainly Puglia. The 4:05 January are scheduled for two shows (here information on timetables and prices) . In any case, the ticket price seems to be quite low, ranging from 15 to 20 €, depending on location, or if the gallery audience.
It 'a show that focuses on popular Christmas songs, from the apparent title of "The Chiara Stella."

Why do riparlo in this blog? Because when I wrote the post dedicated to religious songs between folklore and devotion, I would have imagined that in the period between '75-'85 who play the accordion who accompanied the group of devotees of Vallerotonda, directed at Madonna di Canneto , there was really him Sparagna Ambrose, was then a youngster in the early experiences. E 'was telling me he himself wrote.

Another group demonstration:

This is the address of the new blog of Antonio Socci

Organetto Bova - Chora. Here Calabrese. Added following kind request